Angry time

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Chap 6: Angry time

Nagisa's POV

As Karma pulled me up I heard a weird sound. The sound got louder and louder until it was so loud everyone turned towards it. I turned to the sound and saw Karasuma, Koro sensei, Irina sensei, and everyone in the class clapping. They were watching the whole time. And they did nothing about it? I just summoned thousands of snakes that could've injured people and they did nothing! I stepped back from the noise in anger, "you saw all that! And did nothing!" I yelled making the clapping stop. "They could've gotten hurt!" I yelled angrily at the teachers. "We wouldn't of let that happen, we were just watching to see how your powers worked" Karasuma said simply. My blood boiled, "are you serious! You put their lives in jeopardy to see my powers!" the teachers said nothing making me angrier, "I can't believe this!" I yell. Karasuma sighed, "Nagisa, you must understand that I had to learn what you could do" he yelled in a harsh tone. "Oh yeah, is it because you want to 'help me'?" I asked sarcastically. "Nagisa. It's a part of my job to keep the people here safe and if I don't know what everyone in this classroom can do that I can't protect them" he said massaging his temples. I was about to yell again when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked over and saw Karma looking at me, "Nagisa, we're fine. He has a point, let's just go back to class and get this day over with, okay?" he asked looking into my eyes. I looked into his golden eyes before nodding, "Okay Karma" I say quietly with my head down. He slid his hand into mine and pulled on it signaling that he wanted me to follow.

The walk back to the classroom was silent and even more silent when we arrived. I couldn't help but feel it was my fault. "I'm sorry Nagisa, but let's get back to the lesson shall we?" Karasuma said as kindly as possible. I only nodded as I headed to my seat. He cleared his throat and began to teach us a few things, the only thing different was the occasional glances towards me to see if I was alright.


The day was over and I was packing my bag to head home, "Hey Nagisa" a voice called. I turned around and saw Karasuma looking at me. I walk over to his desk, my bag slung over my shoulder and asked, "yeah, what is it?" he raised his hand and pointed to the seat in front of him. Getting the memo I sat down in the seat and let my bag fall to the ground. "Nagisa I just want you to know that you're not in trouble for what happened today" he started, "I also want to give my apologies. I know that you're angry I didn't step in but it's my job to try to get my student's to handle things on their own" he said calmly, "and as I told earlier I need to know the kids in this class can do. I've seen everyone's power or ability in this class but I've only seen half of yours" he finished looking directly at me. I sighed, "so you're asking about the blood lust right?" he nodded, "precisely". I shook my head, "I don't want to show anyone that" I say getting up. "Nagisa!" he yelled, I froze and watched as he once again pointed to the seat, "sit down, we're not done here" he said annoyed. "I know you don't want to show these powers but you have to show them to pass, yet last week was your last chance for you to show me it" he said in a calm manner. I put my head down, "then let's make a deal" I say quietly but loud enough for him to understand, "a deal?" he asked confused. I nod and look up to him, "our deal should be that if anyone in this class asks me to give them bloodlust I will, and if they can't handle it I will take it away. In this case I will be doing what I am told and not getting in trouble either" I say trying to match his calm mood. He thought for a moment before slowly nodding, "fine, but if nobody asks by the end of the year you have to do it to someone, deal?" he asked. I nodded and put out my hand, he grabbed by hand and shook it, "deal".

I'm sorry that this was short but this is very important for the next two chapters. I hope that you enjoyed the chapter and be prepared for the next chapters because it will have to be delivered into two parts because of how long it is. Thank you so much for reading!

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