Best friend time

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Chap 3: Best friends time

Nagisa's POV

It's been a week since I started school and I already have a few friends. They are Sugino, Kanzaki, Kayano, and Karma. Karma is my best friend out of them all, and we have already gotten pretty close. We both understand each other really well and he actually invited me over to his house today. Not many people belong to the Dracul family, probably only two or three so Karma actually lives in his dad's house. It was actually surprising to hear that he lived in the house of a god which actually made me really excited because he said he would let me meet one of his dragons!

I felt my cobra Dina tighten around me as we walked through the forest 'you seem nervous' she teased and I chuckled "me? No, I'm not nervous at all! It's not like I'm going into the house of a god and I'm going to meet a dragon and hang out with my best friend that the same time" I ramble in our language and she laughed 'first of all you're a god, two so their should be no problem there and dragons are pretty chill creatures so you're good there as well. And lastly, I think you're nervous to hang out with him because you like him' she said whispering the last part into my ear making me blush. "DINA! No I don't like him like that" I hiss at her and she chuckled, 'you're in denial' she joked. I shook my head and out my hand up to my face and actually was surprised at how hot it was.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down finally making the red fade from my face. I sighed as I stood at the front of the cave, "I think that this is it" I say to Dina and she nodded. I knocked on the side of it three times and called out, "Karma?" I ask. I heard the sound of steps and soon Karma was at the entrance leaning on the side. He was wearing a black t-shirt with white writing saying 'I am the demigod' and a pair of black pants and no shoes, just a pair of white socks. He looked a lot better than me right now, I was just wearing a white shirt with black on the sleeves and collar and a pair of black pants and old black converse, and my hair was in its usually pigtails and Dina was just calmly laying on my shoulder.

I knew what Karma was going to ask and cut him off, "this is Dina, she's the last snake I have. I promise" I said and he nodded. "Should I pet her?" he asked, "they seem to really like when I pet them" he added and I shook my head. "No she doesn't really like petting as much as she likes to give hugs and snuggles" I explain and he smiled, "well would you two like to come in?" He asked and I nodded. He turned around and started to head inside and then made a turn and started to walk towards a wall. "Um, Karma that's a wall" I whisper, trying to get him to go in another direction. "I know" I he said speeding up, "Karma we can't go through the wall!" I yell and he chuckled and pushed me against the wall. I waited for contact but it never came, in fact when I opened my eyes I was in a whole new room. "Sorry I scared you, it's designed like that so that mortals won't get in" he explained with a smirk. I nodded slowly making him laugh even more "you're to cute" he stated before walking ahead of me. My face heated up as he said that 'so, you don't like him eh?' Dina teased. I rolled my eyes and ran so that I could catch up to Karma.

Finally I managed to catch up with Karma, and once I caught up with him he put his hand inside mine. I blushed and looked at our hands and when I looked at him and he looked away with a tint of a blush on his cheeks and said, "it's just so that you don't get lost." I couldn'thelp but smile as he said that, "okay" I whisper and squeezed his hand, he tensed and turned to me surprised but I just looked up at him and smiled. He relaxed and squeezed my hand back sending a smile back in my direction. Then we walked through the halls our hands intertwined swinging between us.

You're trying so hard, you don't want to fall. Never again you say, but why are you letting him hold your hand? Why are you letting yourself get attached when you know he is going to leave when he finds out? You're just building up a situation for heartbreak. I'm trying to help you, but you're not listening. Remember you're a monster, no your a god.

I felt something tap my shoulder and shook my head to see Karma standing there looking at me with a concerned look. "Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded, "yea I was just thinking about something" I said and I felt Dina move so that she could look at me and gave a confused look. None of my snakes were there when 'she' appeared. Karma nodded and pulled on my hand nudging me to go forward and I started walking next to him. He held my hand tightly and I squeezed it tightly to show him I was okay and we made our way to the dragon cave.

Fine, have fun with that demigod. But I will make you understand later, and you will listen to me.

I gulped and continued my way forward. Why won't she just go away? I don't want to listen to her! I want to be me but she's holding me hostage, I just want to move to the next stage.

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