Learning time

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Chap 2: Learning time

Nagisa's POV

I got to school only a few minutes before class to see a few people inside. There was Kanzaki the daughter of aphrodite, Sugino son of Nike, Kayano, and Karma inside the classroom. I walked over to Karma and smiled. He looked up "who's that" he said pointing to the smaller snake wrapped around my forearm. I smiled "oh this is Eden he's an Ahaetulla prasina" I explained and Eden slithered over to him. Eden is one of my sweetest snakes, he loves people but is very protective if someone is threatening me. He went over to Karma and went on his shoulders and gave him a small squeeze like a hug. Karma smiled and held out his arm so that Eden would go onto his arm. Eden wrapped himself against his arm and Karma began to pet him and did the same thing to Kai and Eden fell asleep after a few scratches. I stared at him in disbelief "whatever you do to make them feel like that they love it" I said with a laugh. He chuckled "I told you I have dragons and I do the same thing to them" he explained. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry I almost forgot" I said and picked up Eden so that he could rest on my shoulders.

We talked for a bit until the bell rang and I had to go to my seat. Mr Karasuma came in accompanied by two other teacher, I guessed that they were mrs Jelavic and Koro-sensei the side teachers. "Everyone these are the teachers I mentioned yesterday,if you don't understand something they will help you okay?" he explained everyone nodded and he started his lesson on the gods and their history. I took a pen and notepad out and took notes on bits of the lesson until finally the lesson was over and we moved onto another subject. "Does anyone here inhabit any powers?" he asked, a few people raised their hands including myself and Karma. "Is anyone willing to demonstrate their powers?" he questioned and Karma kept his hand up but I put mine down. Karasuma pointed at Karma then at me "you two, will you please demonstrate"he asked and I shook my head, "sir I put my hand down. I don't really think I should" I explain but he just chuckled. "It will be fine, I just want to see what a god like you can do" he said calmly and I sighed, "I guess, but I'm not going first" I state and he nodded. Karma got up from his seat and sauntered over to the front of the classroom. Once at the front he smirked and took a deep breath and when he exhaled fire came out, he then took some of the fire in his hands and moved it around. I smiled, the fire moved at his will as if it was dancing. It was beautiful. But after a few minutes he threw it into the air and it disappeared into a thing of smoke. He bowed and the class started to clap at his example. He smiled "well that's one of them" he said while slowly making his way to the back.

Karasuma looked at me and I sighed, I stood up and walked to the front. By now Eden had woken up and was happily looking around as I walked to the front. I took a deep breath "there are a few things I can do, one of them being that I know the language of snakes and can communicate and command them." I explain and I looked at Karasuma nodded at me persuading me to continue, "and another is I can change a few things about myself to represent a snake" I add. I was about to walk away when he stopped me "what about your bloodlust?" he asked and I sighed. "Fine I'll tell you" I start "I can make any person I want experience bloodlust if I wanted them too. I can make them fulfill their desire by giving them what they want, I can make them have powerful bloodlust or bloodlust with wisdom." I explain, "but it all comes at a cost, it can sometimes take over you and you lose yourself. If you're not strong enough it can change who you are and you will lose all common sense and the only thing on your mind will be your desire and if anyone gets in your way" I stop and took my hand to my neck and trailed it giving them an idea of what I mean. I turn to Karasuma "you could probably contain in but I'm not sure, bloodlust is a scary and powerful thing" I add and turn away. "So I'd say stay away from the thought of asking for bloodlust" I say while sitting down, "because you will regret it later" I say with a smirk. The room went quiet until Karasuma cleared his throat "well then, I understand but you have a few weeks to show your bloodlust powers because I need to know how I can help you" he said, I nodded "okay I get it" I reply and he went back to the front of the classroom to explain why we have powers. But for awhile I couldn't help but shake the feeling that someone was staring at me, and when I finally decided to turn around I noticed that Terasaka was staring at me. I looked him in the eye and he looked away, I narrowed my eyes and when I turned around I noticed that Karma was staring at him angrily. I wonder why?

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