She's back

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Chap 19: She's back  (unedited)
(This photo is so cute!)
Nagisa's POV

Last night was magical.

I never knew that I could've been blessed with such amazing friends, who'd go so far as to set up a whole class trip to a festival just so Karma could kiss me.

Yeah, you heard me right, Karma had set up that whole thing just so he could confess. And truly that ended up making so much sense. I should've caught on earlier because of the way people were acting, nobody would get that nervous just to ask someone to a festival. Plus, why hadn't I heard about until then?

I don't really know what I was thinking, but after his soft lips left mine it had made so much sense. But what had made the night probably the craziest was what he said to me afterwards. "I love you".

How come three words can make your whole heart swell and feel like it's going to burst? And why does it make the dam in my eyes break?

It was all so much as I cried in front of the person I loved so much as I realised that he loved me back. All that time I thought he was acting with me, or when I thought he was joking around, he actually meant it.

I couldn't stop the tears as he looked me straight in the eye, "Do you love me back?" he asked. The whole class was watching us, I could tell. And I nodded at him, how could I say no? He's the love of my life, and after he'd done so much for this night, I could never say no.

I remember that smile that painted his face as he gazed lovingly at me before pulling me into another kiss. He was mine, and I was his. But at the same time I wasn't in control of me. I wasn't his, I was hers.

I was a weapon of her choice, I belonged only to her. She was in control and I could do nothing about it. And she was coming to get me the next day.

In fact, I was surprised when she didn't take over me that morning as I awoke. I had expected her to eagerly take my body over, but she didn't. And that scared me more than anything. I didn't know what she was planning, and I had to go to school.

And when I'd gotten there Karma had come up to me as per usual and began his normal routine of teasing and joking around with me, but at the same time he just had this glow about him. Not to mention as class was about to start he kissed me on the cheek before heading to his seat in the back.

I felt myself get dazed and swept away by the simple kiss. Just the simplest of actions from him could make my heart burst.

But I knew that even with all these distractions she was coming for me.

So at that point, I had nothing. Karma didn't know what was about to happen, nobody knew, I didn't know. I didn't know how she was going to do it, I didn't even know when she had this planned. Yet, all I did know was that she was coming after me.

I tapped my foot on the ground rapidly as I waited for some sign, Karasuma had told me about three times that I needed to stop tapping my foot, but I just kept going back to it. I was terrified.

At some point he had Karma go over to me to see what was the matter, and he asked if it was him and what had happened the night before and I quickly told him that wasn't it at all, "no,no, it's not that at all" I reassured as I looked around.

But suddenly I remember his eyes just widening as he looked at me, he looked scared. I didn't know what he was seeing, I couldn't tell until I felt something drop from my eye. And when I looked down, I was terrified to see a drop of blood. She was here.

I covered my eye quickly and all attention was turned to me, "Nagisa, what's with your eye" Karma asked worriedly. I struggled with an answer, and all he did was force my hand off my eye as he looked at it in pure horror.

As the class saw it watched their faces fall as most of them went pale at the sight. "I'll call for a medic" Karasuma declared as I felt a sting start in my left eye. I whimpered as I started to feel stings from both sides and Karma panicked, "I don't think that's going to help!" he yelled.

Karasuma thought for a moment, "I don't know what to do then" he said while he watched my left eye let another drop of blood fall into a pool of the same substance. Karma grabbed his handkerchief and pressed it to my eye to stop some of the bleeding, but I started to feel a little light headed.

People were doing everything around me, I couldn't understand anything. And the last thing I could remember as I felt this wave flow to my brain was this voice.

I've got you~

3rd POV

For a moment Nagisa went blank. The blood stopped, his eyes were still black, and his bright red irises still shone, but he just froze.

For a moment, everyone just didn't know what to do, everyone's attention was on whether Nagisa was breathing or not. But suddenly, a smile cracked on the bluenette's face. "Nagisa?" Karma warily asked putting his hand up to his love.

But before it could reach it was slapped away, and Nagisa started to laugh. Karma stared at him in shock but watched as a whole different persona took over. "Ahh" it hummed, "I forgot what it was like to be like this" it giggled as it stood.

Everyone stared at it with their mouths agape, and it just stared at Karma and frowned, "oh, it's you" he mumbled in disgust. Karma narrowed his eyes and stood up, now towering over the boy. "What do you mean it's me?" he asked, now feeling a bit angry at what was happening.

This wasn't his blueberry, not in a million years. Nagisa would never act like this to him, this was someone else.

It moved around the boy with a sigh, "the one that Nagisa fell for" it declared, "it was so terrible when I found out too, to think that he would leave me" it muttered as if Karma was some kind of bug.

Karma grit his teeth, "I can see why he left you, if you really cared about him you wouldn't be doing this" Karma explained. It laughed, "but that's exactly why I am doing this!" it yelled, "Nagisa isn't that old so he isn't old enough to know what is right and wrong yet, he can't be making these decisions yet" it said as if it was proving a point.

Karma growled but the thing continued, "and for some reason Nagisa was dead set on staying here, I've been trying to get him back ever since he started here, but he never ever listened to me. Well until a few days back" it teased.

Karma's attention was immediately gained at that, "what do you mean?" he asked. It smirked, "well as you might recall, Nagisa was having some issues with sleeping" it started catching everyone by surprise, "at the time I had been battling him for charge of his body, and of course that process is tiring, and he just kept fending me off so we were both constantly tired. And once day he was laying there begging me to stop, begging me to let him go" he said while pretending to look desperate, "but why would I stop? I wasn't going to stop, I was never going to stop" it declared. "So, in short Nagisa begged for a few more days, and yesterday was his last" it cheered.

The class glared at it with hatred, "you're sick" Karma spat. It smiled and blew a kiss, "thanks darlingz" it smirked before turning to Karasuma who seemed to be thinking deeply. It looked at him up and down as he suddenly jumped, "are you Osis? Goddess of mind tricks?" he asked. Everyone turned to it as it smiled, "ah, are you a fan of me?" she asked.

Karma growled louder as he heard it was a girl, "Osis, I don't know why you want Nagisa, but please let him go. He's done nothing wrong" Karasuma pleaded and she cackled. "Done nothing wrong? Done nothing wrong!" she yelled. The class went silent and she laughed, "oh then this'll be fun" she declared licking her lips.

"I'll be waiting" she waved. But before anyone could get to her, she just disappeared in a puff of smoke. The class was silent as they thought about what to do, and they looked over to Karma to see how he was handling this, and saw something they couldn't unsee. He wore this look of pure hatred, fire was forming around him just to add to the fact that he was furious. And before anyone knew it he stood up, the most determined look on his face, "let's go get that wretch" he scowled.

Alright! So we're finally here, we finally know who she is. But we still don't know her connection with Nagisa yet, and Nagisa was taken away. From here on out a lot of things will be explained like what was in Nagisa's trunk, and what was on his shelf, and other things like what he had done before he met Karma and them. But I'm very excited to start writing this part! Thank you so much for reading!

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