Reassurance time

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Chap 25: Reassurance

Karma's POV

Nagisa and I stayed on that walk for what seemed like hours. The two of us would just talk, and talk about anything we could think of. Whether it was of the past, or the present, we brought it up and made a discussion over it.

We did try to avoid certain subjects though, those being bad memories or Nagisa's past. But sometimes a small story or something would pop in. One of my favorites of the stories told was when Nagisa told me about the chair he was in earlier. Apparently that used to be his old bed, and it had quite the story behind it.

That couch was a gift that was given to him after having a successful first mission. He guessed that she wanted to do something special for the occasion, so she took him out on the town and told him anything there that he desired, would be his. And since they'd just moved into the cave, and he didn't have a bed yet, he just felt like he had to have the couch when he saw it.

From there it was one of his favorite places to go to sleep, or talk to the snakes after a long day.

But one of my favorite parts of the whole thing, was just how happy he was telling the story. It was a nice attitude change compared to the silent/awkward atmosphere before. And from there he just kept getting even more excited, and smiley. Soon enough he was back to his old self.

It was amazing to just to talk to him as if we were at school again, he just looked like this weight had been taken off his shoulder, and he was glowing. He squeezed my hand tightly as we were walking back to the others and smiled up at me, "I never realised how much I just needed a walk like that."

I nodded at him, "not many of us do, but I'm glad you walked with me," I smiled down at him. "I guess you're right," he muttered.

I smirked, "who're you kidding? I'm always right." I said cockily. He rolled his eyes, "of course you are." He agreed before walking ahead of me.

He pulled against my arm forcefully and I hopped forward, "whoa, whoa, what's the rush?" I asked suddenly as he pulled on my arm a lot harder than before. "Sorry," he apologised, "I just want to hurry back. I want to see what's going on now that I calmed down." He explained looking ahead.

I sighed, "I get what you mean, but please loosen up a bit, you're going to tear off my arm." I joked. A small chuckle escaped his lips, "alright," he gave in, "but I'm only doing this for your precious arm." He teased. "Oh?" I fake frowned, "why are you being kind to my arm and not me?" I asked poking his side.

He flinched a little at the touch and then glared back at me, "I could make a list on why." He responded turning away. I gasped, "ohh the fire!" I exclaimed catching up to Nagisa. "You better cool down, fire is my thing after all and I don't want to lose my job." I say throwing my hands up. He giggled, "better watch out then," he said teasingly. I smiled and nudged his side, "that's my blueberry."

He shook his head at the nickname, and looked ahead, "I think we're almost out." He muttered. I looked ahead to where he was looking and squinted to get a better view. And just barely could I see the small hint of light. "I guess so," I trailed as I looked at it. It was way too far away, and like Nagisa, I kind of wanted to check up on everybody already.

I took a deep breath in as I thought of what to do, and smirked as the perfect idea came to mind. "RACE YOU!" I yelled, letting go of Nagisa's hand, setting off towards the end. He gasped in surprise and growled, "KARMA NO FAIR!!! You cheated!!!" He yelled at me before taking off himself. I laughed loudly as I ran faster, "we never set any rules though, did we?"

"Obviously not!" He yelled back. "You started the game without any warnings!"

I smiled as I saw the end getting even closer, I knew I was going to win.

Godsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें