Bloodlust time (part one)

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Chap 7: Bloodlust time (Part one)

It's been a month since the meeting between Karasuma and I and everything's been great. I'm not constantly worried of showing bloodlust and I actually have found myself becoming even greater with my powers because I'm able to control my emotions better. Even though 'she's' been constantly trying to talk to me, I feel like I'm able to push her away better. I feel much more stronger, and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

Karma has been probably the best thing that's ever happened to me. He's always there to help me get my mind off 'her' and he's very kind to me. The whole group is in fact. The group just treats me like a normal person, and that makes me so happy!

Everything was great. That it until a certain request was made that changed everything.

Today was just supposed to be a normal day, I wake up, get ready, leave, and have a great day at school. But something was off the moment I woke up. I headed outside with Dina laying lazily on my shoulder, 'what's with you?' she asked randomly. I shook my head, 'nothing Dina, I'm fine' I lie, I don't want to tell her about this odd feeling. 'Don't lie to me Nagisa! You know that, that's not fair. I'm basically your guardian so you have to tell me everything' she hissed angrily. I laughed, 'no way Dina, You know I don't have to do anything' I said making her even more angry. She continued to yell at me all the way to school and only stopped when I sat down and people started to get annoyed. "Sorry" I whisper to them but they immediately say it's okay. I glared at the snake and was about to tell Dina what I was going to do when I heard someone above me, "hey." they said sharply.

I knew that voice, I've heard it so many times. It was a voice who belonged to someone I didn't particularly like. I look up to see the tall figure smirking at me, "Hello Terasaka, what do you want." I say looking at him boredly. There was only a few people in the room but they knew that since I was friends with Karma I wasn't really a fan of Terasaka. Terasaka said nothing as he leaned down into my ear and whispered something, "meet me in here before lunch. I need to talk to you" he then walked off as if it was nothing. Nobody ate in the classroom anymore, so that meant we would be all alone. What is he planning?

I must've been in a daze because all the sudden the sound of snaps were heard bringing me back to reality. "What were you thinking about blueberry?" Karma asked teasingly. He for some reason got into the habit of teasing me with terrible nicknames like blueberry or Nagi-chan. It was weird and very embarrassing. "Nothing, I just was thinking about random things" I said looking apologetically at the red head. He smiled, "whatever you say" he said ruffling my hair. "Hey!" I yelled l grabbing my hair to see it had gotten terribly tangled. I sighed, "Oh common Nagisa, we got time. Let me fix this for you" he said bringing out a comb. Why did he have a comb with him? "Karma did you pl-" I was about to finish my sentence when he took out my hair ties and began to comb my long hair. Dina, who had fallen asleep on my shoulder was very surprised to all the sudden be covered in hair and quickly got off my neck, and instead went onto my desk. Karma hummed as he brushed my hair and I couldn't help but feel relaxed, the stress I had been feeling all morning suddenly just vanished. He untangled the last few knots and then started to pull my hair into two even pigtails.

Once he was done he turned to me and did something different, he gave me the oddest smile. It was different from all the smirks or quick smiles he had given me before, but now it felt, warm. I didn't know that such a simple movement could make my face so red before.


Class started and Koro sensei as normal taught us some more on some random subject. I wasn't paying attention to the lesson, I was too busy thinking about Terasaka. Lunch was started to come close and I didn't know what Terasaka wanted from me. Did he want to fight? Was he going to try to hurt my feelings? Try to get me to do something? I tried my best to stop thinking about the last one but it terrified me. What did he want?

I closed my eyes as all the sudden I heard the bell ring. For the first time I felt as though I dreaded that blasting sound. Everyone rushed for lunch and Karma appeared at my side, "let's go Nagisa!" he said pulling on my arm. I didn't move, "sorry Karma, I need to do something. But I will be out when I'm done, okay?" I said looking into his eyes. He stopped for a moment and looked at me, "oh um, alright. I'll be with everyone okay?" he says looking at me unsure. "got it!" I yelled smiling at him. He nodded then ran out the classroom leaving me all alone.

"I was worried you wouldn't come" Terasaka said coming into the room. I sighed and glared at him, "what do you want Terasaka?" I ask in almost a hiss. "Feisty aren't we?" he laughed, "I just want to ask you a favor" he said smirking at me. I narrow my eyes at him, "what kind of favor?" I ask annoyed. "Well you see, about a month ago I heard a little 'talk' between you and Karasuma" he said pausing. My muscle tensed, "and I found out that if anyone asked you for bloodlust you would have to give it" he said getting closer to me. I gulped as he got even closer to me, now to the point where he was circling me as if he was a vulture and I was his prey. "I see that you are finally understanding" he said leaning forward so that his face was right in front of mine, "so Nagisa, will you give me bloodlust?" he asked innocently.

I glared into his eyes, I wanted nothing more than to slap that smirk off his face. I gritted my teeth as I forced the words out of my mouth, "what kind?" he stopped ,"what do you mean what kind?" he asked. I took a deep breath and stared into his eyes, "there are different kinds of bloodlust, the strive to complete something, or to hurt or kill someone kind of bloodlust" I say trying to be as calm as possible. He smiled, "the kind to hurt please" he said innocently. I glare at him as I hold up a hand for a contract to be made. He looked at the paper confused, "what's that?" he asked. "It's a contract, in this form I have to use contracts for bloodlust" I say blantly, "now write what you want to do exactly on the paper, then sign your name" I finish pulling out a golden snake pen. "You sure to have a lot of snakes" he joked staring at the pen, Dina hissed at him and he jumped a bit. I smiled at him as he jumped, at least I get some joy out this.

He finished signing his name and it disappeared into thin air, "now what?" he asks. I smile, the contract appeared in my hands as I looked it over. 'I want to beat Karma Akabane in a fight to hurt his pride' it said. I frowned as I looked at it, "you might not be able to control the bloodlust, are you sure you want to follow through with this?" I ask looking into his eyes once again. He gulped and nodded, "fine, but if you lose control I'm stopping you" I finish.

I held the contract up and made it disappear into thin air. He looked at me up and down waiting for a response. I just stared at him as I felt my eyes change once again. He gasped staring at me as I walked closer to him, my eyes changed into slits of blue and black and I felt my teeth grow into fangs. I smiled showing them off as he ran backwards into the wall. I stood in front of him and using my eyes forced him onto his knees. He closed his eyes and fear, I took my index finger and put it under his chin forcing him to face me. I got closer and closer to him then whispered the spell into his ear before my face went to the crook of his neck and bit him. My fangs forced their way through his skin and forced the bloodlust to grow within him. I waited for a moment for it to all go out and then got up to look at him. He was dazed and his eyes were dazed over. They grew into slits and he gasped for air. I watched as he struggled for a moment, he was struggling between bloodlust and reason. But when his eyes grew completely black I knew which side won. Bloodlust.

(I just realized how long this chapter is so i'm going to stop it here! The next part will be out soon)

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