Chapter 12: Nothing Good Ever Lasts

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Chapter 12: Nothing Good Ever Lasts

May's P.O.V.

I looked in the mirror and adjusted my long hair, splitting it down the back and bringing each side over my shoulders, trying to stall. After meeting the pack yesterday, my parents had decided I'd missed enough school. It was time I showed my face again, especially since it was officially my birthday. Yay.

I turned and sighed, making my way to the door. There was no putting it off any longer, it's was nearly 7:30 and I had to go or I'd be late. I walked outside, shoulders slumping against life, and made a beeline for the drive way.


My family yelled, all standing around the love of my life. It was a big black Ford F250 truck with the word 'Cougar' in large aqua cursive on each side and the tailgate. It was jacked up with a lift kit, clean, shiny, and new with huge black tires. I circled the truck, my jaw dragging the ground in astonishment. Not only was the outside perfect, but through the opened windows I could see black and aqua leather seats and steering wheel.

I burst into laugher when I saw the license plate. "RwrIBite" was etched into it, making me laugh for a good minute before I could finally calm down.

"Thank you guys sooo much!!!!!"I screamed happily, hopping into the drivers seat and starting the monster up. Huh, I kinda liked that. The Monster. My dad looked through the open window of the passenger side door, "Be safe and have a good day. Don't claw anyone who doesn't deserve it." he laughed before stepping back.

I nodded and waved to everyone, pulling out with a huge grin on my face. After a quick drive through the Starbucks to get yet another cup of coffee, I headed toward the school. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.....


I must have jinxed it.

That was the only explanation I could think up for what I pulled up to see.

Apparently when your discovered to be some legendary historic figure, you acquire new friends. A lot of them. And I don't like people.

All around my parking spot, people, or probably more likely shifters, stood and talked. They all looked slightly bored until I pulled up, mind linking my friends,"Guys I've been tracked down by a horde. If I don't make it out alive, tell my family I love them."

Laughter filled the link as Kassie's gentle voice flowed through my mind,"They're waiting all around my car. I can't get out." she growled in annoyance. I laughed softly before speaking up,"Speaking of car! If y'all can survive the crowd, come see my birthday present." I said excitedly, unbuckling my seat belt and preparing to face the mob.

I opened my door and stepped out to glare at everyone, using my best skill. I was highly developed in the area of repelling people and scaring them away, and that's exactly what I did with a glare and a hiss. All the shifters cleared out except two. I'd rather it have been them leave than anyone.

Before me stood the two people I hated the most. Darla and Demi, the schools two 'popular' girls, stood smirking at The Monster. They were twin sisters yet like hot and cold opposites. Actually, in a way, the were. Darla was a Snow Leopard shifter while Demi was a African Leopard shifter. Darla's straight hair was light blond while Demi's was dark brown and curly. Darla was girly and blue eyed and Demi was more sarcastic and gold eyed.

Despite the fact that they were polar opposites, the two were closer than any siblings I've ever met. When shifters had twins, it resulted in a almost soul like bond due to their animal sides latching onto the other as a litter mate. It was a little freaky when Rue had explained it to me, but I had figured I could use it to my advantage.

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