Chapter 7: Training

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Chapter 7: Training

Mays P.O.V.

Opening my eyes, I sighed. Yesterday after the sudden disappearance of Daren, we had discussed when to meet again. We finally decided that today after school we would meet and I would finally hear everything and get some much needed training.

Getting up, I walked over to my vanity and grabbed my towel. Walking through the living room, I was about to jump in the shower when my mom stopped me saying, "Where do you think you're going?"

I stopped. " shower for school?" I said, my voice unsure.

My mother grinned, and I gasped as my mom's eyes flashed to bright yellow. "No school today, Hun. Your father and I have to discuss your ....transformation."

I gaped at my mom, "Wha-?" I said to my mom's retreating back.

"Come on, May. We must teach you all we can." my mom called over her shoulder as she went out the door. Cautiously, I followed my mother out the door and into the yard. Looking around, I called, "Mom? Where are you?". Gazing around, I spotted movement at the edge of the woods that bordered my house.

"Mom? Is that you?" I said as I walked into the tree line. Suddenly, the second I walked into the cover of the trees, I was tackled from behind.

A animalistic growl ripped from my chest as I flung my attacker off and shifted mid-turn.

Claws extended an teeth bared I stood growling at a large smokey gray wolf. Just as I was about to leap at the wolf, I noticed another step gracefully out of the bushes. This wolf was smaller than the first one but still big. It's coat was almost a silver color with light gray paws and one gray ear. Looking into its eyes I noticed the difference. They were....human.... I stumbled back away from the wolves in surprise.

Before I could regain my balance, the dark gray wolf jumped forward and pinned me to the ground. Forcefully the wolf shoved it nose against my head just above my eyes. Closing its eyes it tensed up.

I was about to throw it off when I felt a painful stab in my mind. Then after a second that felt like years, there was a pop. The wolf opened its eyes and stepped off me. I got up and stared warily at the wolves. Then out of no where, I heard, "Hello Maylec."

Something inside me stirred at that name and I felt right to be called that. Then I noticed how familiar that voice sounded,"Dad?" I thought in surprise. The wolf nodded and, as if sensing my confusion, he said, "Every shifter has an animal, the animal is what you shift into. But when you shift your only borrowing the form from your animal. So your animal is not just the second May, it has its own name. Your cougar's name is Maylec." He explained.

I didn't know why but in the craziness of everything it was funny. The thought of a little person inside me had me laughing. Well technically, I was emmiting this weird growling sound (that actually sounded a little scary) but It was the closest I could get to laughing in my cougar form.

Suddenly a angry growl interrupted myfreakish laughing, "I am not a little person...." The voice snapped.

I looked around stunned. "Who's there?" I said. Both my dad's wolf and the silver wolf, which I guessed was my mom, cocked their heads over to the side.

"It's me Sherlock. Maylec. Ya know, the 'little person' inside you." the voice said. I gasped, "So I can actually talk to you?! That's so cool!!"

My dad's voice broke in through the link, "I see you've met Maylec.".

"How did you know?" I asked curiously. His wolf laughed (which sounded equally creepy), "Your eyes glazed over and you got real still." If it was possibly to blush in cougar form then I would have been bright red.

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