Chapter 3: A Surprising Discovery

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Chapter 3: A Surprising Discovery

May's P.O.V.

Being in my cougar form had been amazing. You would think that becoming something else would take getting used to, but it didn't. It was like all I needed to know was was programmed in me. I made it up, then back down the tree without any trouble. But that didn't change the fact that whatever had just happened was definitely not normal.

"I want you to try not to freak out, okay?" Rue said as if she was talking to a baby. I narrowed my eyes, and felt something weird about them.

"First, I'm not stupid so cut it out, I won't freak. Second, what's wrong with my eyes? They feel funny." I asked, rubbing my eyes.  Much to my irritation, Rue laughed.

"After your first shift, your eyes stay in that form, yours being a cougar, for about a day. So that feeling is your body getting used to cat eyes." She chuckled.

"Okay, I can handle that." I said, before raising my eyebrows to Rue. "So are you planning on explaining?" I replied a bit snappily.

Rue grinned. "Alrighty, I'll start at the beginning. Shi, the spirit of the animals, was represented by whatever animal she felt like. She was a great being, very powerful but not the most powerful. Well another spirit, the spirit of..... Oh what was it?" Rue paused a thoughtful look on her face.

"Anyway this other spirit was jealous of her. He thought that she didn't do anything to earn the power over the living. So, he began to hunt her, planning on stealing her powers and killing her. Shi was on the run, hiding when she needed to and fighting when attacked. But one day the, let's just call him the Mean spirit, had found her and she was running for dear life."

As she passed by the local tribe they called to her. Once they heard of who was chasing her, they were afraid to help, for the Mean spirit was very powerful. Even though the tribe chief refused to help, five girls from the tribe saw it unfair. They hid Shi and set a trap for the Mean spirit."

The five girls rubbed Shi's scent in a small valley and waited at the top. When the Mean spirit came through, following Shi's scent, the girls pushed hollow boulders down into the valley crushing him and trapping his spirit."

Shi was so grateful for what the girls had done that she gave them part of her, the ability to change into whatever animal that suited them the most. So that's how the five shifters were made." Rue finished.

I thought about the story and what I was like, wondering what made me more cougar than anything else.

"So what do we do now? Just live half and half?". I asked, finally untangling from my thoughts. A grin slowly slid over Rues face.

"No. Now," she paused dramatically, "you get to meet the pride......"


Only partially edited >.<

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