Chapter 6: There's Always a Bad Guy

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I think I am going to have nightmares about editing....-_-



Chapter 6: There's Always A Bad Guy

Mays P.O.V

I sighed, "So there's more?"

Rue nodded and Ralyn started heading toward the center of the five habitats. "These," Ralyn said, "are the places where our Wildcats belong. They represent what we guard, or protect. That's how we get our name. The Protectors." I watched as everyone shifted and headed toward a certain habitat.

Rues tiger went to the jungle with the pond in the middle, Annie's ocelot headed toward the one with the big bush at the base of the dead tree. Kassie's lynx raced to the area covered in snow and pine trees, and last Ralyn stalked toward the African looking habitat.

The last habitat, the one with the cliffs and boulders, sat empty. It felt like the very rocks themselves were calling to me, asking for me to come climb them and explore the cave at the top. Shifting, I raced to the first rock at the base of the cliffs. Leaping from cliff to cliff I made it up the side of the rocks to the top without even breaking a sweat. Laying down at the mouth of the cave i closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I opened my eyes to the last rays of sunlight fading in the horizon. Crap, i hadn't ment to fall asleep. Sitting up i stretched, flexing my claws and purring. It was amazing that I just fit perfectly in this body and had no trouble.

I must have closed the mind link in my sleep, because Rue and Ralyn were sitting at the base of my cliffs looking at my and making soft chuffing sounds. It struck me how different their roars sounded, even though in all the movies the roars of a tiger and a lion were made out to sound the same, when really they were completely different. Ralyns lion roar was deep while Rues tiger roar was more gruff and almost like a chuff.

Opening up the link, I told them I would be right down and they nodded and turned around. Following their gaze, I noticed Annie's leopard and Kassie's lynx chasing each other around the center of the clearing. Shaking my head and smiling a cougar smile, I climbed down and sat at the base of the rocks with Rue and Ralyn. After a moment Kassie and Annie ran over and stood panting beside them.

"Okay," I said through the link, "I want to know everything. Every last detail that could affect us as Wildcats." Everybody in the group smiled at my use of the group name. They all nodded, " Lets go up here by my cave." I suggested, not noticing how creepy it sounded till after I said it.

Rue was the first to start up the rocks as everybody followed. I sat there waiting for everyone to go before me when I noticed Kassie's small wildcat sitting at the base, looking up at the first rock, which was at least ten times bigger than her and twice as big as myself.

After thinking for a moment, I snatched Kassie's smaller form up by the scruff and started leaping up the cliffs. Thrashing in my grasp, Kassie let out a angry screech, clawing at the air. Laughing echoed through the mind link as I bounded past the other wildcats with Kassie swinging, screeching form.

When I reached the top, I sat Kassie down and backed up as the small wildcat spun around and growled loudly.

"Don't ever do that again!" She said, growling, the fur along her back and neck sticking straight up in the air. Laughing, I said as I walked away,

"Okay, little cat!"

I heard the clicking of claws on stone behind me, then felt a light weight land on her back.

"Oof!" I said as the breath was knocked out of me. Whipping around she saw both Annie and Kassie crouched down growling. Kassie was growling loudly, "Is there something wrong with little Wildcats?!"

I smiled, flexing my claws, "Well," I said, crouching down. "..let's find out."

Annie backed out saying, "Get a partner, well do this in tag teams." I laughed, "Oh no, I got this!" I purred confidently.

We started circling, assessing each other, looking for weaknesses. Kassie darted forward and clawed my nose then darted back before I could do anything. Circling again we glared at each other, serious now. Deciding to be the first one to strike this time, I faked to the right. Then as Kassie went to block it, I leaped at Kassie pinning her down.

Just as she was about to claw my stomach, there was a loud roar and I felt myself be dragged away from Kassie. Whipping around, I found myself face to face with Rue's tiger.

"What do you think your doing?!?!" I snarled darkly.

Rues deep brown hazel eyes sparked as she said, "We are meant to protect TOGETHER, not fight each other!!"

Kassie's head snapped up, "You know It was because of the little cat comment!" She hissed defensively. Rue sighed, shifting to her human form, "What if that were to happen in battle? You can't be rushing into a fight without a clear head! An May you can't start fights like that!" Rue scolded.

I narrowed my eyes, "I still don't even know who the enemy is!!!! Not to mention the fact that I know zero of anything about fighting in the first place!!!"

"You do too!! That fight was getting good!!! You actually pinned Kassie down, and she is too fast for any of us to catch til now!!" Ralyn said, excitedly. I cocked my head, confused, "But I'm not fast at all in my human form." Kassie laughed, all bitterness forgotten, "And I'm not strong either! But that doesn't matter when were in our Wildcat forms.".

After pausing for a moment I said, "So who's the ones that were fighting against?". Just as Rue opened her mouth to reply, everyone froze. Shifting, Rue growled at the far edge of the woods. All at once everyone moved off the cliffs and to the edge of their circle.

I stared into the bushes on the far side of the clearing just as a man stepped out. He looked to be about seventeen or eighteen. His hair was short and dirty blond and he had yellow-brown eyes. He was about six feet tall and walked like he was floating on air.

Ralyn's growl vibrated through her chest. The man suddenly spoke, "Well it looks like y'all finally got your new kitty!" Before I knew what I was doing, I leaped at him, landing right on his chest.

Shifting to my human, I left one claw extended, holding it to his throat and growling. "I'm not some house pet! I don't know who you are, but you'd better learn that quick. Because ill end you before I let you think I'm some gentle house cat." I snarled. My friends stared at me, shocked, but I had my attention locked on the man. His eyes sparked before he said, "Well, feisty are we? I like them a little mean. This should be a blast!"

Before I could reply the man disappeared beneath me. What the hell?!

Looking at my friends I said, "Who was that?!" Rue growled lowly, "That," she hissed, "was Daren. He is what we are fighting......."


I don't think y'all understand how annoyed I am at editing -_- I may actually burn my phone....

Enjoy Daren!


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