Chapter 4: The Pride

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Chapter 4: The Pride

May's P.O.V.

"Wait, pride?! Like a lion pride?" I exclaimed, surprised and just a bit excited.

"Yep." Rue said, popping the 'p', before shifting into the black tiger and taking off to the edge of the forest and stopping. Assuming that I was supposed to follow, I shifted into my cougar and pelted after her. It surprised me that the shift didn't hurt like the first time. It was as easy as slipping into new clothes.

We dodged trees, jumped logs, and leaped streams. Suddenly, as we were running, I felt a pressure in my head as if I had dived too deep in water. I slowed down until the feeling went away as suddenly as if it were a balloon that popped. Then I heard Rue's voice, but she never moved her lips.

 "This is called a mind link. We can speak to each other through our minds." Rue said, her voice revertebrating through her mind. I gasped in surprise.

"So do I know anyone in the pride?" I asked. Rue's tiger turned her head with amusement in her eyes.

"You know everyone in the pride!" She said. I blinked, surprised, and Rue laughed at my reaction.

  I said it was a pride, that doesn't mean it's a big pride." May was thinking when she heard Rue say, " We are here." Looking up she saw they were standing at the edge of a big clearing full of tall grass with five different things in a circle in the middle. At the far left there was a cluster of what looked like jungle trees with vines interlacing them. May thought she saw a small pond in the middle of the group of trees. Next to the trees about ten feet away was a larger tree that splayed out from the trunk with coarse grasses and scrubs around It. It reminded her of a scene from The show Big cat diaries. Then on the left from the jungle area sat a large cluster of boulders forming a cave and cliffs. The boulders were a reddish copper color with little scrubs poking out in places. Across from the dry African looking scene was a large forest scene with pine and ceded clusters and, much to her surprise, a thick layer of snow. Across from the cliffs of rocks sat the last thing. It was a dusty area full of tall dry course looking grasses with a large bush right in the middle. The bush sat right at the base of a tall dead tree.

And in the middle of the circle sat a lion, a lynx, and a ocelot. Then in a blink of an eye three girls sat in the place of the wildcats. Three very familiar girls..

" Welcome, wildcat." Annie, Kassie, and Ralyn said in unison

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