Chapter 10: As Dead As It Gets

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Chapter 10: As dead as it gets

Mays P.O.V.

My mind whirled. How? Why? Why did fate have to be so cruel? I could feel my skin tighten even more, the darkness sat around me so thickly that I was sure I wasn't visible. The others stared at me, eyes filled with concern.

Realizing why, I quickly shut out the mind link and took a shaky, tired step forward.

"Cougar?" I jumped at Lukas's voice behind me. I turned my head and glared at the enemy. And my mate. Ugh.

"Shut. Up." I growled. My head was pounding. I squeezed my eyes shut as the pain began to build. Suddenly it was like a dam broke. Voices of the dead, of Maylec, and some darker creatures flooded into me. I roared in pain not only out loud but also in my head.

Leaping forward I ran. And ran. And ran. Trees blurred by, yet I dodged every obstacle with ease. After awhile I made it back to the clearing. Without stopping, I ran over to the cliffs and leaped up bolder after bolder. Within seconds I stood at the top of the cliffs in front of the biggest rock I've ever seen. Wait did I just laugh? Ugh, I don't even know. The constant voices were driving me crazy.

Walking around the huge bolder, I saw a small hole. It was about as wide as a tire and about four feet tall. Not caring if anything was inside, I walked through the opening.

I purred as the voices cease and the pain stopped then looked around in confusion. What had made it stop? Then something occurred to me. The darkness. It was my element after all.

To test my theory, I stepped back out into the sunlight. Immediately the pain and voices came back full force. I hissed and stepped back into the shadows. Huh.

Turning around, I examined the enormous cave. It was mostly flat except for a series of small boulders that led to a ledge. A very comfortable looking ledge. Hmmmm...

Climbing to the top, I circled a couple of times before curling up and closing my eyes.


My eyes flew open. I listened for the scraping sound that had woken me. There. The scrape of claws on stone. Peering over the ledge, I saw the creature that made the sound.

It was some sort of raptor. Like a dragon. Scales as black as night, teeth that hung over its bottom lip. Horns hooked over its head, ending in deadly points. Long but skinny wings that layered over themselves. It's tail was flat and splayed out into five deadly tips that glistened in some sort of liquid. It was just slightly bigger than Rue in her Tiger form.

The creature swung its massive head around nostrils flaring, scenting the air. It's head snapped up in my direction and it's wings spread out around it.

I gathered the darkness more tightly around me and backed up against the wall trying to decide weather to attack it or try to confront it.

Oops, too late. The thing flapped up and landed on the ledge in front of me. Oh crap. I tightened my skin and let the darkness go. I roared as loud as I could, calculating the best way to attack.

Before I could attack, the creature began to change. The tail and wings receded, talons turned to fingers and feet, the snout shrunk into a face. Before I knew it a man stood before me. Not just any man, but Lukas.

I hissed in surprise and there was a snap. Pain flared all over my body. I growled lowly and squeezed my eyes shut. When I opened them Lukas crouched beside me concern and surprise in his eyes.

"What do you want?" I growled through clenched teeth. Instead of answering, he stood up and changed back to the Raptor.

"Tell your friends where we are." He said in a raspy voice. I growled but did as he said, sending a message through the link. Lifting his head into the air, he let out a enormous roar.

Wild at Heart (In Major Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя