Chapter 8: Discovering the True Wildcats

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Chapter 8: Discovering the True Wildcats

Mays POV

I looked around at our little group. To think, only yesterday I had been just a normal, boring, teenager. Living in a life of lies. I mean, how can you not know that your parents are werewolves? But now that I thought about it, it did all add up. Their "sneaking" out at night. My dads addiction to steak. Moms obsession with chicken.

Not that I blamed them. If they had told me before my first shift I probably would have signed them up for a nice mental hospital and shipped them off in a hurry. Then again, I never really have felt human. So maybe I wouldn't have been so skeptic...

Rue flicked me across the ear with her striped tail, breaking me out if my thoughts. "Did you hear any of what I just said?" she asked, slightly annoyed.

I looked at her, "No, sorry. I was having a......brainfart?" I said, racking my brain for an explanation to the sudden zone out.

Everyone looked at me for a moment before bursting into laughter. I growled, not enjoying being laughed at. "Aren't y'all supposed to be 'catching me up'." I snapped grumpily.

Rue just laughed, "We'll maybe you should listen then! Instead your too busy with your 'brainfarts'!" Which of course sent everyone into another fit of giggling.

I growled deep in my chest, "Then speak, Mrs. Racing Stripes!! We can't all just sit around a know everything, smirking down at the rest of us!"

Rues head snapped around and a vicious growl reverberated from her. She stood up, facing me completely. I did the same, then acting on instinct, I pulled first my right foreleg up and slammed my paw against the ground then did the same with my left.

The others eyes went wide. I guessed that since Rue's cat was the biggest, no one had challenged her. Rue snarled even louder as she repeated what I had done, her eyes glowing a deep blue.

Slowly we began to circle each other, both our tails whipping back and forth. Dang her tiger was huge. Maylec's voice sounded in my head in reply, "Yes, she is the largest of the wildcats. But that means she weighs more, which makes her slower in her tiger form. You have to use speed against her strength."

I nodded and continued to circle. For a moment, I was struck by the ironicness of it. In our human forms, she was faster, but in our cat forms I had the speed. It seemed our cats made up for what we didn't have.

After a while I relaxed my muscles completely, trying to trick her. It worked. She leaped forward, swiping with her huge paw. At the last second I leaped up into the air and landed neatly on her other side giving her a dark cougar grin. "Is that it?" I growled.


Annie's P.O.V.

I watched May and Rue fight. Both of them landing blow after blow. May kept up, despite the fact that Rue towered over her.

I knew the second we found out that May was the last Protector that she and Rue would have problems. They were the best of friends but were both so thick headed. And now they were fighting for dominance like two wild animals. Which didn't seem to be so far off at the moment.

I sighed and looked at Ralyn, "Should we just let them fight it out?"

Ralyn shook her head,"If we did, then we would be here forever. You know neither of them would back down." She said. Kassie nodded, looking worriedly at their two fighting friends.

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