Chapter 5: Meeting the Pride

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Chapter 5: meeting the Pride

Mays P.O.V.

Emotions flooded through me. Surprise. Confusion. Then happiness. I was so happy that of all the people in the world who could share this power with me, it just happened to be my four best friends. Still in my cougar form, I charged toward the girls and was met half way by a large white lioness.

The Lioness jumped at me and just at the last second, I darted out of the way. So instead of hitting me, the lioness hit the ground. I leaped up, landing nimbly on top of the lioness and giving a cougar grin. Then, as I looked at the Lioness beneath me, I recognized those icy blue eyes.

Ralyn. Closing her own eyes she concentrated looking for the Ralyn mind. There! Pushing through the little bubble, I whispered, " Do you know who I am?"

Ralyn looked at me funny before answering, " Not yet but you could get off me and let me know that. " She said, slightly annoyed.

I leaped off and growled at Rue saying through the mind link, "Don't tell her!" I insisted. Rue gave a very serious nod but I could see the amusement in those tiger eyes.

Once Ralyn was up off the ground, I pranced over to the other two wildcats. Looking at the big eyed leopard, I noticed the eyes were human. And not just any human.... Annie!

Yes! figured out three out of four! And they don't even know who I am!! Looking at the last one, the Lynx, I immediately noticed the dark, almost cholocate colored eyes of Kassie. Then, whispering through the mind link so they couldn't recognize my voice, I said, "So Ralyn, Annie, and Kassie, can you figure out who I am?".

They all looked at me in confusion. Finally Annie answered, "No, I can't. What about you guys?"

The other Wildcats shook their heads. I gave them a huge cougar grin before shifting back to my human form and smiling. Then being tackled by three Wildcats while Rue stood to the side laughing her head off.

"Hey, hey, guys I relize I'm awesome, but control yourselves! " I laughed, guarding my face from all the fur.

Shifting, the girls all stood up, laughing while Ralyn said, "Your fast, May! I can't believe your the last protector!"

"Protector? What do you mean? "I asked, my gaze switching between everyone in confusion.

Ralyn looked at Rue, "You didn't explain?" Rue shrugged, "I told her the legend.." She said, flicking her tail.

There's more? I thought.

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