Mark- Onesies

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You laid on your bed curled in a soft blanket, you didn't want to leave it. You suddenly feel a small poke on your cheek, you shuffled a bit but they softly poked your cheek again. You opened one eye and saw your boyfriend,Mark, wearing a deer onesie. You sat up in bed, and ruffled your hair softly.
"Morning sleeping beauty" He said softly

"Good morning and why are you in a deer onesie?" You asked rubbing your eyes softly and having the thought of laying back down.

"Because I got one for you too and I wanted you to wear a onesie with me" He said sitting a black box gently on my lap. You rubbed your eyes for a while, before lookung back down at the box. You looked at Mark, who was silently waiting for you to open it. He looked so soft, his eyes resemble that of doe's eyes. You placed your hands on the box and opened quietly, it was a kitten onesie. It was black and pink, you never thought much of wearing a onesie since you got out of high school and became an adult.
"Do you like it?" He asked excitingly, if he were a dog his tail would be wagging really quickly.
"I love it Mark, thank you so much" You said patting his head softly. You thought it was such a sincere gift from your boyfriend.
"Do you want me to put it on?" You asked softly, you were so tired and didn't want to have to get up.
"Yes please, I could help you if you want~" He said happily, he was sweet but sometime unpredictable.
"No, I'm fine. I'll go change, I'll be right back" You said and stood up off the bed and walked to your bathroom. You took the onesie out of the box and slipped it on comfortable over your shorts and shirt, then zipped it up in the back. It was very comfortable, you had to admit to that. You walked back into your room and saw Mark silently playing on his phone. He was a precious man but big adult child. He finally looked up from his phone,
"You look so beautiful" He said, he ran over to you and spun you around. He finally stopped at put you down, you stared at each other for while. Then Mark reached behind you and pulled the hood of the onesie over your head.
"You look precious" He said laughing, you slightly giggled at him. His laughter was contagious to you, plus his last just contrasted from voice just because of the highness. You two stayed in onesies all day and didn't bother going out of the house. You two watched movies and dramas until the day ends, you never thought this day would get any better.

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