BamBam- Cat's Eye

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You felt different cause of your eyes, everyone feared you. You had yellow coloured eyes, like a cat, they didn't seem to find you friendly. You sat in your seat, rocking it back and forth, you didn't notice someone sit down beside you.
"Hi, Im BamBam" He said, you looked at him out the corner of your eye. Why is he so happy?
"What do you want?" You asked looking back the board.
"I want to know your name" He said smiling.
"(Y/N)" You said staring at the board that was completely blank. He leaned forward and turned to look at you, you leaned back in your chair.
"What are you doing kid?" You asked hooking your foot under the desk so you didn't fall.
"You're eyes? They're..." He said before you cut him off.
"Don't mention my eyes ever again or your life will become hell" You said, your eyes became a shade darker than usual.
"I was saying they're beautiful. The acrylic colour they have in the sun is absolutely gorgeous" He said, your frown started to slowly dissappear.
"You actually like them?" You asked, you were actually shocked that someone didn't fear you.
"Yes, they're beautiful" He said leaning over the desk. You felt your face get hot, nobody complimented your eyes. Everyone else feared you, they thought you were dangerous:
"You're beautiful, (Y/N)" He said placing his hand on your shoulder. You smiled and let out a quiet giggle. He plantd a soft kiss on your cheek. You felt different than before, that frozen heart you had started melting.
People made you 'cold-hearted', was he going to be the one that showed you love and care.
BamBam had invited you to come to the library with him and some of his friends. You happily accepted his offer, you walked to the library. You walked into the library and got different looks, from disgusted to scared. You saw BamBam wave you over, you walked over and sat down beside him.
"Is this your girlfriend, BamBam?" One asked, he actually looked really cute.
"Jinyoung, she's not my girlfriend" He said, they were all pretty cute.
"Her eyes are beautiful" Another said, he had light pink hair.
"I know Yugyeom, the acrylic colour they show are beautiful" He said, I was staring at the other guy who was staring back at me.
"Jb, what are you doing?" He asked looking at his friend.
"Staring contest" Jb said, he stared into your eyes for a while before he gave up.
"Does she ever blink?" He asked in shock, no I don't blink often. You felt a hand grab a hold of yours. You looked down and BamBam had grabbed ahold of your hand. Maybe he wasn't a bad person, just a very happy person.
You grabbed all your books and said good-bye to BamBam and his friends. Not long after you left the library, you felt a hand touch your shoulder. You looked behind you and BamBam was there.
"Shouldn't you be with your friends?" You asked facing him. He just kissed you without warning, you melted into anyway. Your cold heart turned soft, did he change your perspective of love. He pulled away rested his head on your shoulder.
"I love you (Y/N)" He said in your ear.
"I love you too...oppa" You said, blush crept onto your face. He made you feel 'happy' all of sudden, you felt special. Only he did that to you, you felt completely different.

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