Jackson- Without You

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\\Warning- strong chapter\\
You laid on your bed, laying your arm on the empty pillow beside you and watched you arm fall off of it slowly. You missed him, but you felt like he didn't love you. You sat up slowly and looked out the window, it was quite cloudy outside.
"Does he love me?" You said quietly knowing nobody could hear you. You stood up and walked over to the window sill, pushing the windows open and looking down. It was only a 10 story apartment, you guys had an apartment on 9th floor. You didnt have a problem with it, you sat on the window ledge. Your feet dangling out of window, with a wrong move you could fall to your death. You slid forward and caught yourself with the sides of the windows.
"(Y/N) What are doing?" You heard behind you, you turned your head and Jackson was standing by the bed. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist holding your back to his chest.
"Do you love me?" You asked looking at the dull purple-blue horizon.
"Of course I do" He said resting his chin on your shoulder.
"Are you lying?" You said turninf your scared arms away from him. He noticed you did that, he looked over your shoulder and saw your arms. His world crashed for a second, he just hugged you closer. He leaned his head against your shoulders, you heard sniffling.
"Why?" He asked, you stayed quiet for a while.
"I thought you didnt love me" You said looking at your feet.
"I'll always love you, forever to infinity" He said pulling you in the room from the window. Your feet touched the floor, you thought you wouldn't want to touch it again. He pulled you close to his chest, tears started to fall. You really didnt have a choice to actually, he didnt want you to be hurt.
"Please don't do it again" He said quietly, he rubbed small strokes across your back.
"Okay, I won't do it again" You said playing with the fabric of his shirt.

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