Chapter 13- Ten Puzzle Piece's And Auntie

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13 Don't Howl Mr. Mate Or You Die

Chapter 13- Ten Puzzle Piece's And Auntie

Katie P.O.V

The people that were standing in front of me were my past and I never let my past come before my eyes then how did this happen.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

She looked at me with a hint of anger in her eyes and I gave her glare. The boy and girl that stood on each side of her took a few steps away from her and then started to walk towards me. I took a fighting stand and was ready to attack them before they could attack me but I was thrown of guard when I saw them both ran towards me, but ran right pass me to someone behind me and that person behind was Xavier.

Were as that women still stood there and looked at me with her hands crossed over her chest.

Oh god let’s just hope it’s not who I think these kids are.

Xavier P.O.V

I stood like a dumbass as I saw the 2 young teenagers run my way they both looked similar with those hair and honey but brown eyes.

The boy stopped on my right side and looked at me with his dark honey eyes were as the girl ran straight up to me and pulled me into a hug. I was shell shock and couldn’t move.

What was going? The girl hugged me like no tomorrow and the boy watched me with unshed tears.

"What’s going on?" I heard myself whisper, to the boy and girl.

"Don’t you remember us?" the boy questioned me. The girl pulled away and looked at my clueless face, then busted out crying. She covered her face with her hands and started to scream out in anger, pain and more of sadness. I didn’t know what to do so I just stepped back, the young boy watch my every move then just shaked his head and walked towards the crying girl.

He pulled her into a tight hug and then started to calm her down, she was still crying but was not screaming anymore which was good because man my ear drums were beginning to hurt.

I ignored the boy and girl and looked up to find who I was originally after ,Katie.

I looked at the sight right in front of me and was surprised to see my aunty standing there with Katie in a head lock. I started to walk towards them.

And soon I was right in front of my aunty and Katie who just seem to be in their own world fighting because they didn’t even see me pulling them apart. I grabbed Katie from the waist and pulled my aunts arm, which made her stumble down on to the green grass.

"Can anyone tell me WTF is going on?" I asked with my alpha voice.

All four heads whipped my way and looked at me with some serious face.

"Katie why don’t you fill in Xavier about your life full of lies," My aunt said to her.

"What are you talking about?" Katie asked her hesitantly but also kind of clueless.

"Oh so now you’re trying to play dumb in front of my nephew," She said to Katie with amusement holding on to her every words.

"W-w-what-what do you mean by nephew?" Katie asked her.

"Well Xavier’s was my older brothers son," Auntie said with some sadness filled voice.

"WH-why y-yo-you n-e-never tell m-me t-t-this," Katie stuttered the words while in my arms.

"Because it was never important," She said and that’s when Katie pulled out of my arms and started to shout.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY 'IT’S NOT IMPROTANT' ARE YOU CRAZY WOMEN? ALL THIS TIME I HAD TAKEN HELP FROM MY ENEMY. I GET IT NOW YOU PLANNED THIS WHOLE THING YOU WITCH. YOU MADE THAT DEAL WITH ME, GAVE ME THIS DAM RING AND THEN SOME HOW MADE ME BECOME YOUR NEPHEWS MATE!!!" Katie shouted out some more random things but I couldn’t hear them because all my mind was doing was repeating that whole paragraph she had shouted out.

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