Chapter 10 - Arena

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Chapter 10 - Arena

I stand up.

I look at the object that was moving away.

My body hurts a lot after falling.

I already doubted I could ride the van.

I knew I was too late.

I was going to be left behind.

But I’m here, in a seatless van, with the exception of the driver and passenger seat at its side.

Everything behind those seats was removed, leaving a wide empty space in the van.

High enough to stand inside.

“This is a new van?” I asked.

“Yeah” said Vincent.

“Just a thought, why are you being chased by Skullxia again?” with his sarcastic rhetorical question face.

“I saw them beating this guy—“

“And you just had to be the Saviour, didn’t you?” snapped Aoi from the driver’s seat.

“No! I was just passing by, and I saw them wearing their badges and they knew I was a loose end. Then they started chasing me, one thing led to another and that’s it.” I sighed.

“They were persistent. I lost them on the way home, but they still snooped around for me.” I explained.

“And you?” Vincent looked at Chloe.

“I escorted him” she said.

“Oh yeah? Then why is he in this mess?” he retorted.

“My orders were to engage enemies when necessary, might they be from Skullxia or not.”

There was a second or two filled only with the hum of the van’s engine and eyes switching from one point to another.

“So, uh, where are we going?” I asked.

“The academy.”

Obviously, we still had classes despite the incident.

Then I thought about things.

Only then I realized something trivial, yet confusing.

“You were sent here to escort me?!”

“Yeah”, said Vincent while looking outside.

“Why do I need an escort?”

“You’re our friend and we want to keep you safe.”

“Really?” I said, skeptically.

A few empty moments passed.

“Hey, it wasn’t my idea” He gulped and looked at Chloe for a few seconds then looked back outside.

I looked at Chloe.

“Okay” she sighed. “Remember? Dad sent me to escort you.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Don’t ask me” she snorted. “I was just following orders.”

Her last name is Venerife. So, yeah, her dad’s the school’s director, who stays at the room inside the clinic.

Silence remained throughout. Aoi was quietly driving. Vincent was looking outside the window. Chloe went and sat beside Aoi.

Then we drove all the way to school. The academy is a special place for training “Abilities”. It divides the curriculum into two major parts, the academic and the “W.O.L.F.”

The academic part, obviously, consists of normal academic subjects under Math, Language, Science, History and some other major subjects other normal schools offer.

The W.O.L.F., however, is different.

W.O.L.F. stands for Weznault Operation: Life Front.

It’s the non-academic part of the curriculum.

We go out to the fields and train our “Abilities”

The academy has multiple instructors for the common Seed Types AKA Major Seed Type.

They teach them the proper skills to master on their “Abilities Routes” and what skills to take based on their desired Title.

However, people who are not under the major seed types have to get their own instructors or train without one.

After a few minutes of instructions from the instructors, the open grounds of the school, and any place that doesn’t have a roof that’s still inside the school grounds, literally becomes a battleground. Dueling, party battle and other types of battle are open but no battle results will be recorded, making everything more chaotic.

Guardians are scattered all throughout the academy and manages the whole event.

An Anti-Ability Barrier surrounds the buildings and the academy perimeter to avoid stray projectiles from going outside the premises and harming civilians.

For someone like me, this event does not mean anything. I don’t get to participate because of the absence of my Abilities.

If I go inside, I’d just sit in some corner and pray to whoever is out there that I could survive the first 30 seconds of the battle royal.

And there.

Maybe because of all my explaining that it happened, or maybe I explained it because it were to happen, we were just in time for the event.

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