Wakeup call

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"Mr. Ketchum, perhaps you can tell us what the answer is?"

Mr. Floyd's loud voice quaked in my ears, jolted me out of a deep doze and I groggily raised my head from my wooden desk, blinking blearily and trying not to yawn.

Mr. Floyd pointed to an equation on the board which was hard answer because I didn't know it one bit, his face set in grim lines. He reminded me of my dad so much I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from bursting out laughing.

Rubbing my eyes with the heel of my palm, I tried to focus.

"Well? We're all waiting for your informed answer," Mr. Floyd said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, glaring across the room.

People twisted in their seats to stare at me and witness Ash Ketchum's public humiliation at the hands of his much loathed Math teacher. The old me would have cracked a dumb joke, made everyone laugh and admitted that I had no idea what the answer was.

The new me felt so slow, so totally out of it that it was all I could do to stop myself from going back to sleep

"Uh-," I started, scratching my chin and trying to look like I was really thinking.

Misty, who was sitting in front of me, tittered behind her hand while Calem turned his laugh into a cough. With friends like these...

Mr. Floyd scowled at me, acting like I was the first person who couldn't answer his notoriously difficult equations.

"I thought not," he muttered loudly. He looked directly at me, catching me right in the middle of another yawn. "I realize that trigonometry isn't very interesting, but try not to fall asleep again. You of all people need a pass in this class."

Even though it was true, it was still a low blow. People chuckled at my expense and turned to face Mr. Floyd as he resumed teaching.

I leaned back in my chair, stretching lazily as I tried to ignore what seemed like sledgehammers at work in my head.

The Doctor had prescribed Tylenol for my headaches. I was still waiting for the three I took in the morning to kick in, but so far, no dice. I wondered what would get me first, the rupture or an overdose of pain meds. Probably the last option.

As Mr. Floyd droned on and on in class. I propped my head up using my hand and tried to look like I was paying attention but my thoughts were elsewhere.

Thanks to dad, I got less than five hours sleep last night and it was showing. About half an hour after my encounter with Sere, who I thought was really weird, but her awkwardness made me laugh till I had to wipe the tears from my eyes.

dad came to pick me up at the hospital, grumbling as usual about missed appointments and like that. The Doctor was on hand to give him the news. He was impassive as the doctor explained my situation to him, as well as telling him some things he hadn't told me.

"Ash needs to come in for a checkup every week, we'll discuss surgery options next week, we'll do the best we can regarding treatment" and I wouldn't have expected anything else from him.

So I was kinda surprised to hear him bark "We're getting a second opinion,"

"Thanks, Doctor," I said, trying to offset dad's rudeness which is kicking in. The Doctor fist pumped my hand vigorously, then gave me an desperate look.

"Now, I realize I already broached this subject, but I feel obliged to press you with regards to counseling." I bit back a groan. Not this again. "Not only does it help you get ready for surgery, it is also beneficial in you healing process after surgery."

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