If at first you don't succeed

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Serena POV

Lunch rolled around and after meeting with Dawn and May by our lockers as usual.

I made my way to the music department. My hands itching in anticipation of a full hour of piano playing.

School was basically the only place I could play. We didn't have enough money to afford one at home, especially now, with the rent for the apartment going up. Ah well. As long as I had a chance to play, even for a little while, I was happy.

When I arrived at the music department. I entered inside were I see most pictures of popular singers were stuck on wall, a water machine beside and various shined trophies on set. I thought if I could enter the music competition which was in couple months time but I'm not really that good.

Usually, I get stage fright causing my performance to go down the drain. For a fact, I love to play music, not that I'm upset which I already told my friend. No, it was only to get my true feeling to show out how much I love it.

Once I walk down, there were three doors on each side. I peeked into each section, hoping for an empty one. White and Ryan were in the first one, making out, as usual.

That couple made me so sad. White played the flute in a school band and was a self proclaimed band nerd. On the other hand, Ryan, was on the lumiose team, a typical popular jock.

They met every day in the music department because Ryan didn't want his friends to know that he was dating a 'geek'. It was so pathetic that the thought of what his peers thought about him would reduce them to meeting in secret like that, but I wasn't in any position to pass judgment. I had stayed up all night wondering what people thought of me.

In another section was Trevor, a freshman. He played a violin, and he played it badly. Very badly.

I smiled and waved at him as I quickly passed the door, willing myself not to give in to temptation and just clap my hands over my ears to block out the terrible noise he was making.

Luckily, the last section was empty. Thanking my lucky stars, I rushed in after switching the lights on making the room bright. I sat down and started living on piano that was being placed the way it was.

Now. My fingers flew over the keys in rhythm, seeking out the correct notes without even referring to a book. I was so concentrated in playing the piano. The sound was perfect that made me want to dance. Nothing else registered until-

"Wow. That was amazing. You're really good."

Jolted out of my daydream with my eyes shot wide open, I screamed high and loud, and tumbled to the ground as my chair tipped over.

My heart was thumping as I lay on my back, eyes searching to find the speaker. I'm a nervous wreck. I froze as my eyes met a pair of auburn ones.


Still scared, I shrieked "Will you stop creeping up behind me?!"

Stepping closer to me, facing at my face. he grinned. "I didn't creep up behind you," he explained. "I walked. I even waited till you were finished playing before I said anything. It's not my fault you're so jumpy."

Sounded reasonable, but I wasn't in the mood to be reasonable. Not when I was being waved by the fresh, clean scent of mint.

"I'm not jumpy," I muttered, trying to raise myself up from ground. What was he doing here, ruining my good time? Probably wants to use the room to entertain his flock of fan girls with his stupid guitar.

Great. Just great. Well, I wasn't going to keep him waiting.

He stretched out a hand, offering me to get up. "You need my help getting up?"

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