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Serena POV

You know you're in trouble when you're supposed to be studying for a pretty important Social Science test but all you want to do is finish the sappy romance novel lying temptingly on your soft white pillow.

I turned a page in my deathly boring text book, snuck yet another longing glance at the novel and let out a sigh.

It's the ultimate temptation.

You cannot place a novel in my path and expect that I'll actually be able to concentrate on my schoolwork when all I see every time I look up is an enticing pink cover just waiting for me to open. It's not fair.

"Damn," I muttered to myself, throwing my Socials book to the side and picking up the romance. I shook it. "Are you happy now? If I fail this test and get kicked out of Lumiose, it'll be all on your head."

Even though I thought the book would be worth it. Well, not exactly worth being kicked out of the most elite school in Kalos, but you know what I mean.

May had lent it to me after she read it and wouldn't stop raving about it. When May raved about a book, you knew it was going to be good.

And I could use a break.

It was Saturday and I'd been up since 8am, doing my chores.

After that I ran several errands for my mum and since then I'd been holed up in my room, studying. It was just before lunch and I really wanted to sneak into the kitchen and make myself a sandwich but with the squabble going on in the living room, I didn't want to risk it. I could hang on till I left to go to work.

That's in four hours, Serena.

"You deserve it," I said, my voice echoing within the confines of my small room as I lay down on my stomach and opened the book, my chin propped in my hand.

Just one chapter and I'll get back to studying.

Then again, maybe I wouldn't. Reading was the best way for me to escape the reality happening in our living room. Covering my ears with my pillow wasn't doing anything to block out the angry voices of my mum and Alain, because they kept growing louder as their argument escalated. I didn't dare show my face outside my room until the furor died down, but I knew it would take a while. My mum was truly pissed at Alain because he had showed an utter lack of empathy and pawned my Uncle's wedding ring for gambling money. His excuse for doing that was 'dad's been dead for five years! He's never gonna wear that ring again, so why would you need it?'

I wasn't too surprised that Alain would stoop that low, actually. He pawned everything. In fact, in the past 4 years, he had hocked our TV twice, CD player, microwave and the computer monitor.

He even pawned my most treasured possession, the engraved locket which had been my father. My hand brushed against it now as I turned the page, kicking my legs in the air. Inside the locket was a picture of me and my dad taken a few months before he abandoned me.

It was the only thing of him that I had. Alain had pawned it for 10 note but it took my mum 50 note to get it back. Ever since then, I've worn it safely around my neck, only taking it off when I had to shower.

I was just getting into the story (which was a totally clichéd 'falling for the opposite', but I didn't mind. Actually, I was happy. I love cliché's, the cheesier the better. It's even on wattpad too)

when my cell vibrated loudly on my dresser, bringing me back from the land of make believe with a bang.

My heart thumped in my chest as I swung my head from left to right, wondering what the hell that noise was, disoriented for a second.

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