We go, you change

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Next early morning. A bright circular sun rose up from the high mountains and let's it hang in the painted blue air up as I high as possible, shooting bright rays at the whole city of Kalos down below, enough to bright at the honey blond girl. Who had nice long sleep in someone's arm.

And to top it off. She had a wide smile on her lips that didn't change till the last hours, not even to break that sweet smile. The light was too much to bear making her eyes squint and began opening them, yawning out tirelessly.

She slowly slides both eyelids open with a couple of blinks as it come to open view, her first sight to begin with was blue sky up in the rolled clouds then she soon realises something tugging her, which was an arm around her waist and she knew who it belongs too.

Serena POV

I'm not one to brag, but Ash Ketchum cuddled me all night long. When I woke up the next morning, I was sure I was dreaming. I was sleeping outside, wrapped in a bunch of comfy blankets and Ash's arms.

Then it all started coming back to me in my head and I smiled from ear to ear to myself as Ash stirred. Opening his eyelids giving me a clear look of his almond-shaped eyes and slightly looked at my direction.

"You awake?" he mumbled in my right ear, his breath warm on my bare neck.

"Yeah. How did you sleep?" I questioned with a red blush splotch around my positive face. I for one slept fabulously.

Ash stretched out his arm out in clear air and yawns. "I slept great. How about you?"

"Like a baby." I continued. "I slept good."

"I'm glad. You wanna have something to eat before you leave?"

"Sure," I nodded, sitting up in two feet and looking down at Ash, who still had his eyes closed. Mmm, bed head.

"Or you could just lay back down on me. We could do brunch instead," Ash amended, seeking out my wrist to try and pull me back down. Giggling out, I stood up out of his reach.

"Up and at 'em, lazy boy! I have to get home."

I finally managed to get Ash up and into the house. While he washed his tanned face, I quickly scrambled some eggs which turned out to be-

"The best eggs I ever tasted," Ash proclaimed with his mouth full. Biting his food in his mouth with every word out. "And I'm not just paying lip service. I mean it."

I smiled at him. A real one. "Thanks."

As we finished our breakfast which was so quick. Ash didn't do the limo driver thing this time when he dropped me off. He borrowed Hope's red Audi. We sat down in our driving seat, buckled our seat belts and drove towards my destination in silence and later parked right outside my building.

It was just after 7am, so I figured it would be alright. Alain woke up after 6pm on weekends, anyway. How wrong I was.

"Thanks for the sleepover," I smiled widely as I lunged forward while in my seat, hugging Ash by wrapping my free arms around his nape running my fingers in his spiky black hair and feeling my heart thump. When would this stop? Not for a long time, so get used to it.

"No problem. We should do it again sometime," Ash murmured in my ear, kissing my red soft cheek lightly and wrapping his arms tightly around me. I wish.

I unclipped my seatbelt. Stepping out of the car and finally stood outside the grimy public housing building and then watched Ash drive away till he was out of my sight. With a smile on my face, I walked through the door of our building, my nostrils sniffed by the smell of horrid, old sweat and must. Home sweet home.

My heart almost stopped down in my throat as a pair of hands gripped tightly on my clothes. shoving me in the back with full force. I fell sprawling and landed on my back, grunting in pain against the hard door of the broken elevator. I manage to look up as Alain moved out of the dark shadows, sneering at me.

"You think you're smart huh, don't you?" he snarled, slowly moving towards me by taking each step as our distance closed in, even as I tried to figure this one out. What is he doing here awake? Unless- he was just getting in. And I could tell from the stink stench emanating from him that his night had been as good as mine.

There was no way from me to hide as I stared up at Alain, fear chilling my cold bones. "Alain- I didn't do anything." My broken voice came out in a rush and to my own ears I sounded guilty.

"I saw you. You got out of a Audi. And that wasn't no Dawn I seen driving it. So tell me. Where you or were you not with that boy from the shop?" Alain sounded so reasonable, so sober, but I could sense the anger in him rising to the surface with a glimpse of veins popping out from his target. It targeted- me.

"I was but- Alain, listen to me," I said, my voice breaking. "I didn't do anything wrong. I swear-."

"Oh, really?" Alain said, a bland interest in his tone that made the scene more terrible. My eyes darted from left to right in hopes that someone would come through and put a stop to whatever was going to happen. But the entire building was silent and all I could hear was my terrified breathing.

"Alain, please. He just gave me a lift from Dawn's house," I lied.

"That's funny, because you weren't at Dawn's house," Alain said casually, leaning over me with his hands on his knees. My mouth gaped open. How did he know. As if reading the question on my face, he smiled evilly. "I called her last night. You see, I, unlike you, was home all night. And now I'm going to teach you a lesson, You don't bite the hand that feeds you."

Suddenly I felt a painful slap across my face before I even realized it was coming. This couldn't be happening. Not in the entrance of our apartment building. Ash and I hadn't even done anything.

"Alain-," I whispered low, turning my head up at him just as he hit me hard again on my face and stomach as I let painful shrieks. Again. And again until my body couldn't take it anymore, my skin started to get purple bruises and pain shooting around my body that I couldn't fight back. It was hard enough for me to move, but not enough willpower to stop.

I lay lifeless on the cold floor without my body moving a single limb. The pain was unbearable to deal that I have dealt many before. I sobbed loud as he shot a disgusted look at me before stepping back stopping beating me up.

"You think I liked doing that? I just, don't want to see you go the same way your dad went." His voice softened as he reached down to help me up to my feet. I skank away from him, tears rolling down my face from my burning eyes as I shook a little. I had a cut under my eye, I knew I did because the tears made it sting. How could I go to school like this? Why would Alain do this to me? Looking uncertain, he continued. "Go upstairs and get cleaned up."

And then he walked away hearing only his footsteps resonates as he sauntered up the stairs to our apartment, leaving me huddled alone against the elevator door, crying out loud. If only this was were to stop.


And that's that! Man, I feel so tired after writing this out, it's been so long writing this book but I'm going to continue finish this story till the very end. Which will be on...

A dream, A destiny 2

To be continued...

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