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Serena POV

It was a late midnight in the streets of Lumiose city. No sound was around me just the steps I was taking as I walk all by myself to the Lumiose tower. Then I finally arrived at the place.

Ash was waiting patiently outside the Lumiose tower as I walked up. He had a Starbucks coffee in each hand and as I drew closer to him, he handed me one. I took it gratefully, silently groaning with the shiver that ran through my body as his fingers touched mine.

Ash withdrawal. I thought I had gotten the whole 'I shiver when Ash touches me' thing out of my system after all the Walls's cuddling, but apparently- not.

Luckily for me, Ash never seemed to notice these episodes and I hoped that he would continue being the King of Oblivion.

"Thanks," I muttered, taking a quick sip of the burning hot coffee which sizzled my tongue.

"No problem. I thought you'd be kinda cold." He looked around. "Did you walk over here?" He pointed beside at the black limo.

I nodded in response. My MetroCard had just expired a month ago and until I got my next paycheck I was going to have to hoof it. I was definitely not asking my mom for transport money.

"Yeah." I agreed.

Ash sucked in a cold breath. "Bummer. I'm giving you a ride home today, even if I have to kidnap you," he told me.

I shook my head. "You don't have to," I protested weakly, even though I was already leaning back against the comfy leather in Ash's limo.

"I know I don't have to. But I'm going to. So there." He stuck his tongue out at me playfully and I grinned.

"Okay. You don't have to kidnap me, I accept your offer."

"You damn right you do," Ash laughed. He linked his arm through mine. "C'mon, let's go inside before we get arrested for loitering." He added.

As we walked into the big building and once we were through with the security check, we walked to the ticket purchase line which was very long.

"Have you ever been arrested for loitering?" I asked, looking up at Ash curiously.

He grinned, shaking his head. "Nope. You?"

"I've never been arrested. Never had trouble with the law."

Ash grinned wider. "Goody goody," he said.

"Have you ever been arrested for anything?"

"Yeah," Ash replied, looking off into the distance while I still gazed at him. "Two Driving under influences. My dad wanted to neuter me after the second one."

"Oh." Was all I could say. Every time Ash said something about his dad, it sounded kinda bitter.

"Damn, look at the lines! We're gonna be here till midnight," Ash mentally complained, exaggerating, of course.

"That's part of the appeal of being here," I told him. I didn't mind waiting in the lines. As long as I had my hot coffee in my hand and Ash by my side, I could wait forever.

"Waiting is not appealing to me," Ash muttered darkly, sticking his free hand into his pocket.

The line moved torturously slow, but finally we reached the ticket purchase desk, which took us about half hour.

"Hi, we'd like two tickets please," Ash said, smiling charmingly at the lady behind the desk. She was wearing a smart black suit and a nametag on chest saying 'Kendall.'

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