Girl from the gutter

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Serena POV

"Oh, crap!"

My sentiments exactly.

The visions of piping hot chocolate and cookies, which had been dancing in front of my sapphire eyes ever since Mr. Cilan had mentioned the magic word 'refreshments' dissolved as I gaped down at a groaning and cussing Ash as my heart was sinking down below my feet.

I had just attacked the 'Master' of the house. Right now, refreshments were not in my immediate future. Mr. Cilan would call the Door Man, who would kick me out and Count Dracula would probably release the hounds once he too realized that I wasn't really Miette.

This is bad...

My hands swished near to my gaped mouth with wide eyes as I took tiny step forward, staring down at Ash lying on a polished wooden floor, whose eyes were clenched shut in a grimace of pain.

"Ash, I am so, so sorry!" I exclaimed in worried.

His eyes slowly opened from a narrow cut, squinting at me as I continued, wringing my hands like a bad actress.

"It was a reflex action; your voice came out of nowhere - are you alright?" I bit the inside of my cheek nervously. "Are you bleeding?"

"Ahh f-" he was about to use the language word. Holding the pain. "it hurts!" was Ash's groaned answer.

I bit my thumb hard to hold back the tsunami of laughter threatening to pour from me. Big Man on Campus or not, Ash Ketchum was just a big,  throwing baby.

Either that or his nose was broken. Please don't let his nose be broken.

I knew Ash probably had enough money in his private bank account to get cosmetic surgery on his nose, but I wouldn't be able to live it down. I'd be known forevermore as 'that girl who broke Ash Ketchum nose.' Not a good reputation at all.

"Take your hand off your face, let me see," I said in a commanding tone, leaning over his lean body while gazing at his tanned face that had z-mark on both cheeks.

The loose blue short-sleeved Jacket he was wearing rose up to show a strip of nicely tanned, lean stomach and a hint of his blue boxers. My eyes widened for a second as I blatantly stared then gave myself a mental slap. Focus, Serena! I was supposed to be helping the guy, not ogling him!

He glowered up at me, his black bangs falling into his eyes. "I'm not taking my hand off, are you insane? What part of 'it hurts' don't you understand?"

Sheesh. The part which says its okay for you to act like a jerk when I'm trying to help you.

I almost said that aloud but checked myself when I remembered that I was the main reason he was in pain. All the poor guy had been after was a little intimacy with Miette. who must be his 'lady friend', if the piano line is anything to go by, but instead he got an elbow to the face.

Life can be so unfair sometimes.

"Okay, okay." I clamped my lips together. "Are you bleeding?" I asked again, since he hadn't answered me the first time. "Do we have any Kleenex?" I questioned as I now finished. 

I looked around the parlor for a box of tissues and spotted one to my left on a modern looking coffee table.

Taking a step forward to grab the Kleenex box, I accidentally tripped over my own two feet. I wind milled my arms wildly to keep my balance and not tip over...please don't let me fall on Ash...too late.

With an involuntary 'oof' noise escaping from me, I fell right on top of Ash, feeling his muscly body clench as I 'landed' with our heads a few centimetres away.

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