Honey blond girl

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Hey y'all, welcome to my new story. 'A dream, A destiny.' This will be amour but with lots of drama that I could think of in this book.

So hope you enjoy reading it and give support.


Serena POV

Staring at the lumiose School's newest and most lovey-dovey couple exchange spit while I sat opposite them in the booth at Starbucks coffee shop and wished I was somewhere else wasn't the way I wanted to spend my Monday afternoon.

I don't have anything against PDA, but being the third wheel sucks.

Unfortunately, every time my BFF Dawn Berlitz gets a new boyfriend. Which happens more often than you would believe. A third wheel is exactly what I become.

Just the annoying tagger-on who wants to go home but can't because her best friend doesn't want her first date with her 'Mr. Right' to be awkward. Yeah right.

Dawn throws all her morals out of the front door when she hooks up with a new guy. Most of the time, she's so busy with 'Mr. Right' that she doesn't even notice that I'm there, glancing at my watch every five seconds and wolfing down cold fries, cold pizza or cold burgers. Depending on where we're eating that day.

Feel free to disagree with me, but if I want to see two teens make out in Vanville, I'll go home and watch 'Pretty little liars'.

So that's why when my Teacher, Mrs. Viola, asked me to deliver homework to a kid who hadn't bothered to turn up for school today, I jumped at the chance.

She approached me as I was being buffeted out of my last class of the day by students who apparently just couldn't wait to rush out into the cold, her arms filled with a bundle of files.

"Serena, may I have a quick word?" she asked. Starting with my original name. Her calf lengthen green short swirling around her ankles as she stopped in front of me.

"Sure," I replied with trepidation which is a feeling of fear or anxiety.

My eyes sweeping the hall for an escape route. When Mrs. Viola wanted a word, it usually meant that a lecture was at hand. Unfortunately, all I saw was Dawn and my other best friend, Lillie, lurking behind a pillar.

Dawn was frowning at me.

Uh oh, I don't like that look she's given me.

I shrugged slightly in Dawn's direction, hoping that Mrs. Viola didn't see. It wasn't my fault!

"Okay, these are all homework files of students who didn't show up today," Mrs. Viola said as she rested her back against the wall, holding up the files.

"Oh," I respond, wondering what that had to do with me. I had showed up today, hadn't I?

Behind Mrs. Viola, Dawn was tapping her watch on wrist. Looking increasingly irritated. Hiding a smile, Lillie hugged her and took off. Lillie's driver limo came to pick her up at precisely 2.30 pm. The plus side was she didn't have to walk in the rain, but she had never been on a subway train!

Every Vanville resident should go on the subway at least once. That's my opinion. Since Mrs. Viola was leafing through her files, I found a chance to tap my own watch and hold up 5 fingers.

"Five seconds," I mouthed, knowing full well it wouldn't be five seconds.

Mrs. Viola took forever to get to the point, and Dawn knew it. Still, anything that put off the inevitable. In this case, trying not to watch Dawn and her boyfriend have a fun time while trying not to feel like the loser I was.

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