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I was stumbling all over the place but I loved the feeling. The pain in my face was completely gone. I felt carefree and safe. I felt like I could fly. I stood in my room and just stared out my window. I could easily just leave without anyone knowing. I could sneak past the guard and just find my way out of here. It would be so easy.

I turned around and slowly headed towards my door. I felt like I had been standing there forever. Everything was so slow, now. I turned my doorknob and swung it open, almost screaming when I saw Kyra standing there, her arms crossed over her chest. At first she seemed angry, but when she got a good look at my face her jaw dropped. She quickly pushed me back into the room and walked in, shutting the door behind you.

"What the hell happened?" She asked.

I walked over to my bed and threw myself onto it. The feeling I had before of just leaving was completely gone. I just wanted to relax now. Relaxing sounded so nice. I didn't want to speak either, that would mean effort, and right now I had barely any energy. I felt the bed lift a little when Kyra sat on it. She grabbed my arms and pulled me up into a sitting position and studied the bruise on my face.

"Tell me." Her voice was stern.

I shook my head slightly and giggled. "Nothing, Kyra." I said and leaned back against the bed again.

I heard her sigh and then I was pulled up again. "If you don't tell me I'll go get Johnny to get you to speak up." She said and crossed her arms again.

I raised my eyebrows, confused. Did she really think he could make me speak up? Then again, I didn't want anyone knowing about Kevin, so if I just told Kyra then she would be the last one to know. I sighed and closed my eyes for a few seconds, thinking about how I could explain what had happened so she wouldn't get mad. Opening my eyes back up I tried to concentrate on her. I felt like I had been thinking for 30 minutes, that's how slow everything seemed.

"It was an accident, Kyra. I promise." I told her.

"Who did it?" She asked.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Kevin." My voice was so soft and I hoped she didn't hear me.

"What!?" She immediately got up and started walking towards my door.

I stood up pretty fast, almost falling over in the process. "No, Kyra! Please, it was an accident!" I shouted, hoping she would believe me.

She stopped in her tracks and turned around to face me, anger plastered all over her face. "This is not okay, Lylah. Did he apologize? Why would he do such a thing?" She asked.

"Yes he apologized! It was just an accident I swear. He didn't mean to hit me." I said. I knew it wasn't an accident, but he hadn't been in the right state of mine.

Kyra sighed and looked down towards the ground. "I know Kevin's upset because of Will, but that doesn't give him any excuse. I've seen this before." She said and pulled up her sleeve, revealing a three inch scar along her forearm.

"What happened?" I asked, completely shocked.

"An accident. Kevin had gotten beaten up one night because of his sexuality. He was so upset. I tried comforting him, but he wouldn't listen to me. I left him for a few minutes and when I came back, he seemed completely different. I couldn't figure out what happened, but when I tried to come close he pushed me. He used to have this glass night stand. Used to, because I fell into it and broke it, causing this scar." She explained and looked up at me.

I was shocked. I finally got what she meant when she said when Kevin gets upset, it gets bad. I leaned my head back a little and sighed, trying to think of something to say. When I looked back down at her, her sleeve was pulled back down and she was looking at me, worriedly.

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