Jimin POV

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The guys and I had just gotten finished with an interview, we were on our way home. There were some cameras when we got in the car, supposedly they had something special instore. It was probably a new video game or maybe we got new shoes and they wanted to see our reaction. Regardless I don't think it's necessary for cameras to be in our faces at the moment, we're tired and just wanna relax.

Camera Man: So Jimin what do you think the surprise is?

I shrugged. "I don't know...Maybe food or shoes, new clothes a new game perhaps. Who knows"

Camera Man: You don't seem very excited.

"I'm just tired." I said.

Camera Man: You won't be once you get home.

Suga: Did the company take girls to hangout with?

V: Hmph. Doubt it, Jimin is probably right. Although I hope it's food, I'm starving.

Jungkook: Ooohh! What if it's a puppy? The camera man DID say we wouldn't be tired once we saw so it has to be a puppy.

RM: Or maybe a hamster? They're easier to take care of.

J-Hope: OR a turtle. I want a turtle ^^

Jin: Or a cute parakeet, we could teach it to talk.

I closed my eyes. I really do feel tired. We haven't had a break in a while, sleep hasn't really been our strong point. We're always on the move, fame comes with sacrifice. We work extremely hard and there's so many things we're not aloud to do. So many cute girls and we can't hit on them or ask for their numbers, nor could we go out without guards. The freedom we had was less and less everyday. Being famous isn't always as fabulous as it seems.


-First Sight-

Jin: Jimin wake up, we're here.

I opened my eyes.

We got out of the car, the camera man still following. All this over a pet? Well, I guess the fans will think it's cute so we all put on a curious expression. We opened the door and walked inside, my eyes widened. It's a girl...we all looked at each other. Feeling a bit dumbfounded.

"How'd she get here?" Suga asked.

"She's kinda cute...look how she's sleeping" V said

"She's like sleeping beauty" Jungkook added.

"Why is she here though?" Jin asked.

"Should we wake her?" J-Hope asked.

"Nah, let her sleep. Maybe she just entered the wrong room?" Rap Mon said.

"Her name is on this door....is she gonna live here?" I looked at them.

She began opening her eyes at that moment. We all froze in place. V had a point, she was really cute..her eyes are amazing. My heart began to beat faster, huh? What's going on with me?

"Hi" she said and smiled slightly.

I smiled without even noticing, she's really pretty.

We looked at each other then at Rap Monster. He cleared his throat.

"Uh, Hi." He said.

It was really quiet again. She seems to be analyzing the situation, after all we're strangers to her.

"I'm your new roommate. My name is Karen. I'm from the states." She said.

Her voice was smooth and sweet.

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