마흔셋 (maheunset)

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"Hyung. Hyung. Wake up," a voice whispered in Soonyoung's ear. Soonyoung ignored the voice and stuffed his face deeper into his pillow.

"Ah, come on, Soonyoung-hyung. Wake up already," the voice repeated, and Soonyoung groaned in annoyance as he felt someone shake his arm.

"Just let me sleep," Soonyoung muttered, pulling the covers over his head frustratedly.

"You promised to prank Jihoon-hyung with me though," the person whined. Soonyoung huffed and threw the blankets off of him, glaring at Seokmin darkly. Seokmin smiled innocently in response.

"Fine, I'll get up," Soonyoung grumbled. He sat up and stretched his arms lazily before getting up from the bed. He scratched the back of his head and yawned as he followed Seokmin out of his bedroom and into Jihoon's room.

"What's your genius prank idea then?" Soonyoung asked snarkily, already missing the warmth of Seokmin's bed. He just wanted to get this over with and go back to sleep.

"Draw on his face," Seokmin answered, crossing his arms and smirking proudly. Soonyoung gave him a flat look.


"Hey, don't be so patronizing! It'll be funny!" Seokmin defended. Soonyoung sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine, give me the marker," Soonyoung agreed reluctantly. Seokmin beamed and handed him a black permanent marker.

"Thanks, Soonyoung-hyung!" Seokmin replied. "Well, I've gotta get going now, but I'll be back later! Make sure to send me pics of his face after you draw on him!"

"What? One second–"

"Bye! See you later!" Seokmin said, dashing out of the room quickly. Soonyoung rolled his eyes and looked down at Jihoon with a tired stare. He sighed. Alright. He would just draw something quickly to send to Seokmin and then go back to sleep.

"Mm, what time is it," Soonyoung mumbled as he rubbed his eyes sleepily. He gasped quietly in shock when he realized that his face was just centimeters away from Jihoon's.

Soonyoung shot upright, clenching the blanket to his chest tightly. He glanced back down at Jihoon hesitantly, covering his mouth with one hand to stifle his laughter as he looked at the mess on Jihoon's face. Seokmin had been right; it was pretty amusing to see the usually serious Jihoon look so silly.

Soonyoung pulled out his phone from the pocket of his hoodie and took a few pictures of Jihoon before setting his phone down on the bedside table. Jihoon's eyes fluttered open a few seconds later, and he looked up and gave Soonyoung, who was still trying not to laugh, a confused stare.

"Good morning, Jihoon-ah. How do you feel?" Soonyoung asked, smirking roguishly.

"I feel fine," Jihoon answered in a perplexed tone. "Why?"

"Don't you feel weird anywhere? Like, I don't know, your hands or your face, maybe?" Soonyoung questioned. Jihoon frowned and sat up. He took out his phone from underneath his pillow and opened up the camera, eyes widening in surprise when he saw his face.

"Kwon Soonyoung, you–!"

Soonyoung grinned and stuck his tongue out at Jihoon childishly. Jihoon lunged towards Soonyoung, pushing Soonyoung onto the bed powerfully before climbing on top of him to prevent him from escaping. Jihoon hovered his hands over Soonyoung's stomach threateningly before attacking the older boy with his fingers.

"S-Stop it!" Soonyoung exclaimed, laughing loudly as Jihoon tickled his stomach playfully. "Ah, stop, I'm gonna throw up!"

"Huh? Wait, no, don't throw up in here!" Jihoon protested, climbing off of Soonyoung's body instantly. Soonyoung grinned and got up.

"Just kidding," Soonyoung said before grinning mischievously and sprinting out of Jihoon's bedroom.

"Get back here, Kwon Soonyoung! You're dead meat!"

A/N: sorry this is late lmao ngl i kinda forgot that i had to update for a bit. weirdly enough i remembered when i was getting ready to put a clay face mask on my face? idk man i just remember things at the oddest times like that. i still got this update in before the day ended tho so yay :D anyways i hope that you guys enjoyed this! please tell me what you thought of this chapter! did you like it or dislike it? let me know! btw sorry if it was kinda short :(

linked song is the hindi song "zaalima" by arijit singh and harshdeep kaur bc it's such a catchy song and i love it so much! plus i feel like the lyrics kinda relate to jihoon and soonyoung in this story a bit. also arijit singh came to my city for a concert last friday and although i didn't get to go my friend did go and she posted videos on her snapchat story of it and he performed this song! he's such a good singer. i love being indian.

anyways as always thank y'all so much for continuously supporting this story! it rly does mean the world to me bc getting praise from you guys makes me feel rly happy inside. thank you guys again! i can't believe that this book is already at 9.6k reads. that's almost 10k! you guys are amazing :') ily guys. alright well i hope that you've had a great day so far! enjoy the rest of your day! see you next week (probably)! bye y'all! thank you guys sm again! <3

p.s. like in the chinese drama "my little princess" jihoon totally woke up while soonyoung was sleeping and saw what soonyoung had done to his face and was pretending to have seen it for the first time for soonyoung's sake

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