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"You absolute asshole. Why didn't you tell me that you had a hot roommate?" Soonyoung complained when Jihoon was out of the room, hitting Seokmin on the arm. Seokmin jumped back and rubbed the spot where Soonyoung had hit him.

"Because I don't find him hot? I've known him for years! He's like an older brother to me!" Seokmin defended himself. He scowled at Soonyoung.

Soonyoung sighed heavily and sat on the couch that he and Jihoon had previously been occupying. He ran a hand through his hair as Seokmin sat next to him and stared at him inquiringly.


"Was Jihoon 'hot producer guy' then?"

"What do you think?! Of course, you idiot!" Soonyoung exclaimed. Seokmin frowned.

"Why are you being so mean to me today? Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong? Has today been an off day for you?" Seokmin asked. Soonyoung suddenly felt terrible for how he had been acting. He shook his head at Seokmin and apologized.

"No, sorry. I just...promise you won't laugh if I tell you?"

"I always laugh at you. Tell me what's up anyways," Seokmin said. Soonyoung sighed again.

"Fine. Um...I'm just kinda mad that my little...seduction attempt didn't work back there," Soonyoung admitted. Seokmin chuckled loudly.

"So you really were trying to seduce him a while ago, huh? Woah, watch out everyone! The angelic Hoshi isn't as innocent as he seems!" Seokmin teased. Soonyoung glared at him.

"Hey! Don't be fucking rude. I'm upset right now. The least you could do is comfort me," Soonyoung whined. Seokmin laughed again.

"If that's all you're worried about, then you have no need to be so upset. Didn't you see the obvious tent in Jihoon's pants? Why do you think he ran away so quickly?" Seokmin said. Soonyoung's eyes widened.

"You're saying...it worked?" Soonyoung asked, and Seokmin nodded.

"He just got out of a 'friends with benefits' relationship with one of our friends. He hasn't had sex in forever, which is quite a feat for him," Seokmin explained. "So quit your worrying. You still have a chance, albeit a small one. Let's talk about my problems instead."

"Problems? What problems?" Soonyoung scoffed. "You just went on a date with the guy you like."

"Unfortunately, it wasn't a date. His friend called right after we got there and told Jisoo that he was at his apartment, then asked him to rush back and bring him some ice cream. It made me so sad, Soonyoung. Jisoo seemed so much more light-hearted talking to that guy. I could never make him happy like that," Seokmin pouted, his head falling into Soonyoung's lap. Soonyoung stroked his hair lightly. He knew exactly what Seokmin was worrying about.

"Chin up, soldier. Jisoo isn't dating anyone, you know that. They're probably just friends. Besides, there's no way that Jisoo could like someone more than he likes you," Soonyoung said comfortingly.

"You really think so?" Seokmin responded hopefully. Soonyoung nodded.

"Hey, now that I think about it, how about we invite him over right now? I haven't hung out with him in a while, and I know that you wanna see him again. Does that sound good?" Soonyoung suggested. Seokmin smiled.

"Good idea! You're a genius, Soonyoung! I approve of you for Jihoon," Seokmin said cheerfully. Soonyoung grinned back at him.

"That's right! I'm a genius!"



A/N: idk man...maybe I linked "Paradise" by Infinite bc Dongwoo is Jisoo's cockblock of a friend...idk maybe he and Myungsoo will make an appearance in the next chapter where Seokmin gets cockblocked even more...idk...this isn't even a Seoksoo story Nikita what're you doing smh get a hold of yourself smh. tbh I know I'm gonna include at least some Infinite members, but I'm torn between making them famous or making them normal (wouldn't it be great if Dongwoo was a physical therapist or a kindergarten teacher or something?)

hope you somehow enjoyed this shitty chapter! sorry, the day I wrote this was kinda...idk I cried a bunch again. two days in a row, is it going to become three? idk! ily guys and I'm sorry this sucked I'll try and improve this is really the story I don't want to disappoint people on bc so many people seem positive and hopeful about it and I don't wanna disappoint so many people seem to like it and I'm sorry guys I really am ily bye have a nice day sorry it was so short and crappy :( I know it's been like that for a while but I'll try harder soon!

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