스물 (seumul)

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"Good work today. You two can go home now," Jihoon told Seungkwan and Hansol as he packed up his own things.

"Thanks, Jihoon-sunbae," Hansol said, bowing respectfully. "Have a good night."

"You too. Don't forget to walk Seungkwan home after your date," Jihoon teased.

"W-What?! I–we aren't...what?!" Hansol spluttered.

"W-We aren't a couple," Seungkwan mumbled, blushing softly.

"Really? You guys still aren't dating?" Jihoon asked. "One of you should hurry up and ask the other out, got it? I am not losing to Wonwoo."

"Did you and Wonwoo-sunbae bet on us?!" Seungkwan exclaimed. Jihoon shrugged.

"Maybe. That's how obvious you guys are. Have fun, kids." Jihoon smirked as he walked away from the stuttering pair.

As Jihoon walked to the building's exit, he saw the back of Wonwoo's head a few meters in front of him and grinned mischievously. He ran towards Wonwoo, stretching his arms out. He shoved Wonwoo harshly as his hands collided with Wonwoo's back, and he laughed when he heard the string of curses Wonwoo let out after stumbling forward.

"You bastard. I could've fallen and gotten hurt. How would you have felt if that had happened, huh?" Wonwoo grumbled.

"Oh, shut up. You're being overdramatic again. C'mon, our friends are waiting for us," Jihoon said lightly, swinging an arm around Wonwoo's shoulders and steering him towards the exit.

"How can you even reach that high? It should be impossible, unless...wait, can you levitate?" Wonwoo's eyes widened.

"No, but I am capable of making you black out. Want a demonstration?" Jihoon asked.

"Where are we meeting Seungyeon-ah and Sajakul-ah?" Wonwoo changed the subject quickly.

"They said that they'd meet us outside of our work building so that we could all walk to the restaurant together. They should be outside," Jihoon answered.

"Jihoon-ah! Wonwoo-yah! Over here!" a voice, Seungyeon's voice, called out to them. Wonwoo and Jihoon saw the two girls waving at them from the bus stop.

"Aw, look how big Jihoon's sweater is on him. How adorable," Seungyeon cooed, grinning evilly at Jihoon.

"He's such a cutie," Sajakul agreed with a smirk, pinching and pulling on Jihoon's cheeks harshly.

"Ow, ow, ow! It hurts! Let go!" Jihoon whined, sighing with relief when he finally pulled away from the painful grasp of Sajakul's hands. He frowned when he felt a weight on his head. He looked up to see what it was.

"Sorry, my arm was tired," Wonwoo joked, and Jihoon scowled. He elbowed Wonwoo's in the stomach powerfully, smiling when he heard Wonwoo wheeze loudly.

"Listen, I didn't come here to be bullied by all of you," Jihoon groused.

"Love you Jihoon," Sajakul replied, making a heart with her arms and head. Jihoon rolled his eyes.

"Let's just go get dinner already. I'm gonna need a lot of alcohol to be able to deal with all three of you for one night," Jihoon said. "Ow!"

"Don't be rude," Seungyeon responded as Jihoon rubbed his arm sorely. Jihoon glared at her, but he couldn't hide his smile, and neither could the other three. Jihoon loved his friends.

A/N: *sweats nervously* listen, i know that i updated really late and that it wasn't that good and that it ended really weirdly and that it was kinda short, but i have a plan for the next chapter ok and to do that plan it's best to end where i did ok i'm sorry that this update sucked man pls don't hurt me pls i'm begging you plsplspls i'm sorry i apologize

okokok, linked song is "Message" by MYNAME bc tbh it may be kinda trash the first time you listen to it but then it gets stuck in your head and you love it and it's the good trash that you're always listening to bc you love it (and them) so much. pls support MYNAME bc they are v underrated even though they're v great and talented. also @ H2: give Chaejin more lines pls and thank you

okay, well that's it for today's chapter! i hope you guys thought that this was okay enough? idk what did you guys think? please tell me! as always, thank you guys so much for the support bc it really does mean so much to me! i love it so much when people comment and vote, but i'm thankful that you guys even read this tbh. have an amazing rest of your day! ily guys! thank you again! i'm gonna go cry over my crush now. see you next week! bye!

palpitations | s.k. + j.l. (soonhoon)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt