Chapter 21

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I had just slipped on my black heels when someone knocks on the door. I open it up to find all the guys minus my brother standing there.

"Where's Jay?" I frown.

Chace rolls his eyes, "Of course four hot guys come to your door and you ask where your brother is!"

I laugh, "Who ever said their were four?"

Chad starts laughing, "She got you there buddy."

Nikko rolls his eyes, "How did I ever live with the two of you?"

I sigh, "Come on in."

As they step inside I can feel Nikko rake his eyes over me, I smack his arm, "Stop that."

He grins, "Then don't dress like that. If there's wolves at this one we're going to have issues."

Sadie comes over and wraps her arms around me, "We'll keep the big bad wolves away from our darling Cassi."

I sigh, "Can't I ever have fun without you ruining it?"

She laughs, "Oh please. You have three guys following you around."

"Exactly,, so why do you think I'll have guys coming up to me."

Chad sighs, "Because you're hot. It's just a given fact."

Phil nods, "It's true. We're going to have to watch you girls."

I smirk, "What happens if one of those wolves happens to be Emmi's mate?"

He scowls, "Then I'll kick their ass."

"You can't do that Phil. She's your sister. She deserves to find her mate with no problems."

He sighs, "Yeah, I guess. But I swear to the Goddesses if it's Jay I have every right to kick his ass as much as I want to. I don't care if he's my Alpha."

Nikko looks at him, "You do realize that if that's the case then he can do the same thing to you."

Phil frowns, "Uh okay maybe I won't kick his ass."

I smirk, "Aww are you that afraid of Jay?"

He gulps, "Kinda. I mean Nikko has a better chance against him. Hell you have a better chance. You have a good size wolf for a femme."

Nikko nods, "He's right. You do, it's kind of unusual. Is Calli's wolf the same size as yours?"

I shrug, "I have no clue," I look back into the room, "Emmi! Calli! Are you ready yet?"

Chad smirks, "You and Calli are wearing different colors tonight right?"

I scowl, "Duh."

Nikko raises an eyebrow, "You two aren't still fighting are you?"

I sigh, "No. We stopped. I don't know what you said to her but she actually apologized."

He sighs, "I kinda yelled at her so I'm sure she'll do her best to avoid me tonight."

"Huh, no wonder she didn't want to talk about our dates."

Phil rolls his eyes, "That was probably just her jealousy taking over."

Calli and Emmi come out of the bathroom, "We're ready!" Emmi laughs.

Calli smirks at me, "Sis, I found something very interesting that we need to talk about later."

Emmi rolls her eyes at Phil and Chad's worried expression towards me, "It's nothing. Calli is just being a pain in the ass like usual. Now let's go!"

The Lost Wolf: The Missing Piece #1 *Watty Awards 2012*Where stories live. Discover now