Chapter 4

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The rest of the week had flown by. Studying with Nikko was even fun. We had joked around and gotten to know each other better.

But before I new it I was finishing our halftime dance at the football game. The cheering from the crowd, and not to mention the football team filled me with joy and pride. The scowls we recieved from the cheerleaders was priceless.

Phil ran over and picked me up into his arms, "Aww kid you did so good! Although when I get to the locker room I may have to kick a few asses if they're talking about you."

I scowl at him as he sets me down, "Phil don't you dare ruin my chances of ever finding a date during highschool again. I'll hurt you."

He just laughs as Nikko and Jay ran over.

"You know sis those cheerleaders are talking about trying to kick your ass so that you can't dance."

"If they do that I'll claw their eyes out."

"Sadie and her friends won't touch her."

I look at Nikko and laugh, "Oh please. That girl has had it out for me for years. If she wants to fight me then she can try. But I have Alpha blood in me. I can kick her scrawny ass. I don't care if she's your girlfriend."

"Please don't," he mutters.

"Bros before hoes," I smirk.

Phil and Jay drag him off towards the locker room before he can reply.


I stood against the car waiting for Sadie and Cassi to get out of the locker room. Girls and getting ready for dates. It was only a movie.

I sighed as the door opened expecting to see both girls but Cassi is the only one who steps out, the door slamming behind her.

"That girlfriend of yours is unbelievable. She tried tripping me by the showers. In my CLEAN clothes."

I sigh, "Sorry. I think she's just a bit jealous that you and I are friends now."

She gives me a confused look, "Why? That makes no sense."

I gaze at her a second thinking about what I really want to say, but my thoughts are broken as Chace comes out of no where and picks up Cassi from behind causing her to squeal.

"You look so hot," Chace mutters kissing her forehead.

Hot wasn't the right word. A guy who really cared about their girlfriend didn't just call her hot. Although she did look good.

Her very short black jean skirt hugged her perfectly showing off her long golden legs. The grey tank top she had on dipped low between her breast. Yet she didn't look like other girls. She didn't look like she was trying to be slutty. It just looked like Cassi. Like she had just grabbed an outfit and thrown it on.

"Thanks I guess," she says kissing Chaces' cheek.

I was actually surprised when I felt Sadie's skinny arms wrap around me, "Hey baby."

"Hey," I say smiling at her.

I gazed down at what she wore. A blue denim skirt and a pink tanktop. Her outfit left nothing to the imagination. As I hugged her and kissed the top of her head I noticed Chace look over as Cassi talked to her sister.

"Just tell mom and dad I'm with Emmi. They won't suspect a thing."

"What if they call Emmi?"

"I'll text her okay? God. Nothing is going to happen to me."

The Lost Wolf: The Missing Piece #1 *Watty Awards 2012*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum