Chapter 16

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Cassi hadn't uttered one single word to me since we had left the cemetary. I new why. What I had said was wrong.

Telling her that if I hadn't kissed her none of this would had happened was wrong.

But I couldn't bring myself to aplogize, I couldn't, because a part of me knew that I was right. If I hadn't kissed her we never would have admitted our feelings for each other. Calli never would have gone after her. She never would have gotten mad and taken her revenge.

She was painting her toe nails and I was messing with my guitar when Emmi walked into the den, "Hey Cassi I have a surprise for you!" she sing songs.

Cassi glances up, "What would that be?"

"Do you remember the grand piano at Nikko's old house?"

Cassi furrows her brow, "Yeah. What about it?"

Emmi smirks, "It's been tuned up. Your mom called and told me. She said you needed to see it."

Cassi frowns, "Why? I can only play the guitar and that's only a little...."

Emmi and I share a look as Cassi sits there for a second as a look of realization covers her face, "Oh my Goddess. I play the piano. I can play by ear! Oh can we go?" she asks Emmi.

Emmi nods, "Yeah. Come on and Nikko her mom advised that you sit this one out for a bit. But she wants you to check on us soon. No ones caught Sam yet."

Cassi growls at his name, "Why isn't he dead yet?"

Emmi sighs, "He ran from the rogues that were on his tail. They'll find him babes. Now come on."


When we got outside I found Calli talking to Phil. He smiles and walks in the house as Calli says, "Emmi I need to talk to Cassi for a minute."

Emmi nods and scurries off to her car.

"I need to ask you something," she says.


"What do you really want?"

"I want Nikko to be my Mate," I say simply.

She nods, "I want that for myself too."

"I know Calli."

She sighs, "You need to remember everything Cassi. You need to find a way to remember it all. It'll change you for the better. You tear yourself apart and we all know it."

I growl, "That's not true. I'm fine. Why can't you all just accept that?!"

"Because when you tear yourself up you screw it up for the rest of us. It's all about you!"

I shake my head in disgust and walk past her to Emmi's car.

Emmi walked around the house and left me to my own devices with the piano.

Soon enough I had my fingers gliding across the keys. It felt comforting and familiar. It felt like a part of me had come back.

But I realized I didn't want part of me to come back. I wanted to be me. I liked me.

I loved me.

I love the way I put my anger and frusterations with not knowing into my dance. I loved how everything I sang reflected what I felt.

I don't want to change. I like tearing myself apart.


Strumming on my guitar as soon as they leave I start playing and singing my favorite song.

The Lost Wolf: The Missing Piece #1 *Watty Awards 2012*Where stories live. Discover now