Chapter 17

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I was sitting at the lunch table with Chad when he grabbed my arm, "Dude. Chill out you're tapping your foot and it's driving me crazy."

I sigh, "Sorry. But I screwed things up last night and she went on that date with Phil. She slept in his room last night. I could feel every time he touched her."

Chad chuckles, "You volunteered for the blood bond, but it shouldn't be that strong. She didn't take any blood from you right?"

I shake my head, "No of course not. I know that would make it stronger."

"So I'm curious, how mad does she have to be if she didn't choose to sleep with you last night?"

I sigh, "Really mad. I basically told her that I wish I didn't kiss her that day in the dance studio, then all that stuff with Sam never would have happened."

He grimances, "Damn that had to of hurt her like hell. I'm sure she didn't take it the way you meant it."

"Of course not. I didn't mean for it to sound that way, I meant it in a protective way because it's true. We all know it is."

I hear a giggle from behind me and I know it's Phil and Cassi. I can feel that he has his hand on her back. It was driving me nuts.

Sadie sits down next to me and pats my arm, "Nikko do you need to go for a run? You look tense."

Chad sighs, "He can feel it every time Phil touches Cassi."

Sadie frowns, "That's not good. Maybe you guys should make a no touching rule."

I groan, "Trust me they already did enough last night that I know that won't work."

Sadie and Chad's eyes widen a little, "They didn't?" Chad stutters.

"No. If he had even tried he'd be at home with bandages wrapped around him right now."

Chad sighs, "My date is with her tonight. I'll try to keep the touching to a minimum."

I groan and put my face in my hands as Phil and Cassi sit down with Calli across from us, "What's with the long face sunshine?" Calli asks.

I let out a low growl and Sadie chuckles, "I wouldn't try talking to Nikko right now. He has a few things he's working through."

Calli frowns, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I mutter.

Calli looks from me to Cassi and says, "Phil you need to stop touching Cassi. Nikko can feel it."

Phil looks at me surprised, "Whoa you can feel it?"

Cassi's eyes widen, "Wait did you, last night?"

I nod and glare at Phil who bites his lip, "I'm sorry dude."

Chad shakes his head, "Just shut up before he hurts you."

Calli frowns, "Wait you were in class with me earlier and you weren't complaining. They had a whole class together."

Cassi nods, "Yeah on the other side of the school and uh well."

"I get it," I snap.

Sadie nods thoughtfully, "Maybe it's only when they're close. Did you feel anything through their date last night?"

I think about it, "No it started when they got home."

Sadie nods, "Okay then no one touches Cassi any where around Nikko. Better yet none of you are to touch Calli or Cassi around each other. It's only fair."

The Lost Wolf: The Missing Piece #1 *Watty Awards 2012*Where stories live. Discover now