A Closer Walk With Thee

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(Skip to St. Anne's Catholic Church)

Aria's POV.

When my eye's flutter open, I immediately feel myself relaxing on something soft. I look down to see I'm on Davina's old bed the church attic with shackles on my wrists to keep me tied down, although I'm sitting up slightly.

"They're so you can't leave." I hear Genevieve say, and I look up to see her and another witch from her coven.

"You can't keep me here, someone will find me." I tell her as I shuffle to sit up a little more, but I whimper as I look down to see my leg bandaged with blood seeping through it.

"That should hold for a few days, at least until we can get what we want." Genevieve tells me.

"What do you want with me? You killing me slowly, but why not just end my life here and now?!" I shout at her.

"Because the ancestors were feeling... Poetic." Genevieve tells me with a smirk before putting a long, black coat on "Now if you excuse me, I have Father Kieran's wake to go to." She tells me, and my eyes widen.

"What?" I ask her in disbelief.

"Oh yes, that's right you left before Father Kieran turned into a hexed vampire who really hurt Cami, then Niklaus killed father Kieran and your boyfriend comforted Cami last night whilst she was in agonising pain." Genevieve tells me with the smirk growing on her face, and I feel tears build in my eyes "Bye." She says before she walks out of the attic, and I'm left the her witch sidekick.

(Skip to Marcel's Apartment)

Third POV.

When Marcel puts his jacket on for Father Kieran's wake, he picks up his phone to see he has a voicemail from Aria so he listen's to it.

"Marcel, you need to look after-" Aria's voice comes through, but then she gets cut off by what sounds like a continuous crash.

"Josh!" Marcel shouts for him, and he walks into the same room as Marcel as he put's his phone on loud speaker.

"Y-you'll not get a-away with this." Aria stutters whilst unaware of her phone message to Marcel has not ended.

"That's what Sophie said, but look how that turned out." Genevieve's voice comes through the phone in the distance, and Marcel and Josh look at each other confused as the voicemail ends.

"What are we going to do?" Josh asks Marcel worried for Aria.

"You go and see if D knows anything about this, and I'll go see Genevieve myself." Marcel tells him before he vamp speeds out of the apartment.

(Skip to Rousseau's)

Once Marcel arrives to Rousseau's, he pay's his respects to Cami before walking over to the table where Klaus, Elijah and Hayley are seated.

"I completely understand if none of you would like to help, but Genevieve and the witches have taken Aria. It could be for the reason she is connected to your unborn kid and is going to die in less than a week at the rate she is going." Marcel tells them.

"Where have you gotten this information?" Elijah asks Marcel as he rises from his seat beside Klaus.

"She left me this voicemail." Marcel tells them before pulling out his phone, and putting it on speaker as they listen to Aria's voicemail.

"Marcel, you need to look after-" Aria's voice comes through, but then she gets cut off by what sounds like a continuous crash "Y-you'll not get a-away with this." She stutters whilst unaware of her phone message to Marcel has not ended.

Aria Claire (The Originals) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now