The Casket Girls

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(Aria's Apartment)

Aria's POV.

I woke up this morning and decided to have a cup off coffee along with some toast before I went to see Davina, but I'm rudely interrupted when someone decides to ring me on my phone which is odd since its new. I pick it up and see its an unrecognised number, but I answer it.

"Hello?" I ask as I put it to my ear.

"Aria, Its Klaus. A bit of an issue. It seems our little bird has flown the coop" He tells me in a distraught tone.

"What?" I ask him confused.

"Davina, she's gone" He tells me, and I almost drop my coffee mug on the floor. I then start to think who could of taken her "Aria?" He asks me, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'll be right over" I tell him, and hang up the phone then put my coffee mug into the sink, and grab my bag and coat and head straight out the door.

(Skip to Mikaelson Compound)

When I arrive at the compound me, Klaus and Marcel start discussing the predicament in the living room.

"You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to know the obvious. Our secret weapon has escaped" Klaus says to us, and I turn to face him.

"She's no ones weapon, Klaus. She's my sister" I glare at him, but he just ignores me.

"She wouldn't just leave. She knows the witches want her back" Marcel says to us, and I hear someone come in so I turn around, and I see Elijah.

"Her violin is missing. She may have left of her own volition" Elijah tells us.

"What did you say to her in the attic? She lied to my face so she could stay up there, thinking that you'd help her control her magic. How do we know you didn't take her?" Marcel accuses him and steps towards him, but I shake my head.

"He didn't take her, I know he didn't" I tell Marcel, and give Elijah a small smile in which he returns.

"I have no idea where Davina is, or why she ran away. Can I suggest you take a step back?" Elijah tells him, and Marcel eyes him for a moment before turning away "I can assure you I have absolutely no desire to see that child come into harm's way. She's suffered enough with this Harvest ritual nonsense" He adds.

"That child, to whom you refer to so affectionately, is the most powerful witch in New Orleans. If she's fled, what's to stop her from destroying us? In fact, destroying all we've worked for? No, if she's not a friend to this family, then she is our enemy" Klaus summarises.

"She is a friend, Klaus" I tell him.

"Well, let's hope so. Lucky for you, I know how to get her back. Follow my lead" Klaus tells us, and he leaves, and me and Marcel are about to follow when Elijah stops us.

"You know how Niklaus operates. If he perceives a threat, he can become quite ruthless. This would not bode well for Davina" Elijah says to us.

"I'm not going to let anybody lay a finger on her" I tell him, and Marcel nods in agreement.

"Nor will I" Elijah responds before we all leave.

(Skip to The French Quarter)

As it gets darker the night of the casket girls begins and me, Marcel and Elijah stands in the streets looking for any sign of Davina.

"Kieran is gonna call me first if he hears anything" Marcel tells us, and Klaus approaches us.

"Ah, you three look rather cozy" Klaus grins, and I scoff.

Aria Claire (The Originals) Book 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat