The River In Reverse

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(Aria's Apartment)

Aria's POV.

After I woke up this morning, and I felt terrible that I couldn't help Elijah with the bite that Klaus had given him. I did my research to see that a werewolf bite is fatal to a vampire and causes excruciating pain, but as long that he is an Original he won't die from it, but I also cant imagine what kind of pain he's going through.

I also thought about how to prevent siphoning from anyone, and I started to look through my boxes of dark objects and found a pair of magic-free gloves that can prevent me from siphoning for a little while, but the problem is I don't know how long they will last. (The gloves look like normal lady leather gloves.)

But before I can have a chance to put them on, I hear someone knock on the door. I get up from the sofa and open the front door to see Rebekah there with a small smile on her face.

"Nik told me what happened, and I hate him for it" She tells me with sadness in her voice, and I step aside.

"Come in" I tell her, and she smiles as she makes her way near the sofa.

"He also told me you can't control you siphoning anymore" She adds, and I nod my head sadly as I walk over to the gloves I was about to put on.

"That is what these are for" I tell her as I put the gloves on "They can make sure I don't siphon, but I don't know for how long. All magic has it's limits" I tell her.

"Nik also told me about compelling you not to help Elijah, and I see you have another vervain bracelet" She says to me, and I look at my wrist to see the Vervain bracelet I put on last night "How would you like to get revenge on Nik?" She asks me, and I smile in agreement.

(Skip to the Abattoir)

Rebekah had told me the plan of having Marcels help in taking down Klaus, and at first I wasn't going to agree until she said she would be able to convince Marcel to let me see Davina, so I took her word for it.

So as me and Rebekah enter the Abattoir, we suddenly interrupt someone talking who glares at Rebekah. And I start to recognise him from yesterday when I saw the drivers license from the SUV, Tyler Lockwood.

"Because that is what Klaus does" Rebekah tells them, and I'm guessing she over heard their conversation before we entered "Don't mind me, I'm fascinated by this story. Hello, Tyler. Tyler... Aria. Aria... Tyler" She introduces us, but I just glare at him as of what trouble he had caused yesterday.

"Rebekah. Long time no see" Tyler retorts.

"What Tyler was about to tell you is that my brother can use his baby's blood to sire more hybrids. What you will all figure out is that vampires don't stand a chance. So, Tyler, I assume you were trying to rally this lot into making sure the baby isn't born" Rebekah suggests.

"Yeah. You don't like it? Go on and take your brother's side. But you know I'm right" Tyler states.

"I believe you've mistaken the ladies intentions" Marcel intervenes.

"Alright. What's going on?" One of the Vampires asks confused.

"You were absolutely right, Tyler. My brother is a crap enough individual as it is. The last thing he needs is to sire a superior species. Go on, you can tell them" Rebekah says to Marcel.

"She's not here to fight us. She's here to help us, both of them" Marcel says as he looks at me and Rebekah.

"That's right. But first..."Rebekah Trails of as she vampire speeds up to Tyler, snaps his neck, and then sits down on the chair where he was sitting earlier. And I think I'm the only on in this whole compound who was shocked by her actions "That is enough talk about harming that baby. Klaus is the one we're putting a stop to" She tells everyone, and the room goes silent.

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