Moon Over Bourbon Street

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(St. Anne's Catholic Church)

Aria's POV.

After handing my little sister over to the witches, Marcel said he would watch over me whilst I was in the quarter encase Klaus tried to pull anything, but I just hope he is looking out for himself too. And right now I am making my way to the Church's attic to see if I can help Cami with father Kieron since it seems he has been hexed.

"We'll figure it out." I hear Cami say as I enter the Attic, and I see Father Kieron shackling his ankles to the floor.

"Let's see if I can help." I speak up, and they both turn to face me.

"Thank you for coming Aria." Cami says to me with a small smile.

"No problem, and Its the least I can do because of his help with Davina." I say as I walk over to him "Let me have a look." I tell him, and he gives me his hand which has the hex symbol on it.

"Can you undo it?" Kieron asks me, and I give him a small smile.

"I'm going to try and siphon the spell out of you, but I cant guarantee if it will work or not." I tell him, and he nods his head as he sits down on a chair.

"Okay, are you ready?" I ask him, and he nods his head. I close my eyes and start siphoning, but nothing happens. I open my eyes and wave my hand over his, oh no.

"It won't work." I tell them, and Cami comes rushing to my side.

"What? What do you mean? Why?" Cami asks me frantically.

"There is a barrier spell placed on it, specifically for a Siphoner." I tell her as I look up to see her upset face "Don't worry, I'll get my grimoir's and I will find a way to undo it." I tell her as I place my hands on her shoulders, and she looks at Kieron before looking at me.

"Okay." Cami says to me, and I head out the Attic.

Once I am nearly half way down the stairs, I hear a crash come from the attic, so I run back up and see Kieron furiously grabbing Cami's leg. So I go over to a table, pick up a lamp, and smash it off Kieron's head, making him unconscious.

"Cami, are you okay?" I ask her as I rush to her side, and she seems shaken up.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She tells me in a shaky voice, so I pull her into a hug.

"Lets get you home." I tell her, and help her stand up as we leave the attic with Kieron in it.

(Skip to Aria's Apartment)

After making sure Cami was okay in her apartment, I went over to mine to pour my self a drink since I think I needed it, but I don't have much left. I then sat outside on my balcony whilst watching a party going on in the Mikaelson Compound. Apparently Elijah and Klaus are throwing a party to bring the vampires, witches and werewolves closer, Davina is there.

I then hear something behind me, and I startle my self when I see Marcel.

"Easy. Easy." Marcel tells me, and I stand up and down the rest of my drink.

"Julep? Minus the sugar and mint?" I offer him a drink as I pour another one.

"Sure. I just saw Kieran. He's not gonna hurt Cami again. In fact, he won't leave the attic at all. I arranged for a little boundary spell, and I also got one for your apartment too so all vampires who were invited, are now uninvited." He tells me as I give him his drink, but he doesn't come in. I then realise he has never been here before.

"Thanks, and you got a witch to help you? I thought every witch but me in quarter hated you." I tell him with a fake chuckle before sighing "You can come in." I invite him.

"Thankfully, I found one who doesn't." He smiles at me as I down another glass of bourbon "Hey. What's wrong?" He asks me as he takes the empty glass from my hand, and I glance to the flashing lights from the Mikaelson compound.

"Nothing. Its just, she was all I had left. Davina is the only family I have left. Without her, I'm alone." I confess to him.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm a little short on family myself these days. Hey. If there's anything I can do, Aria , just let me know." He tells me, and I smile weakly as I look down at the nearly empty of bourbon and pick it up.

"There is one thing..." I trail off as I hold up the almost empty bottle of bourbon "We're out of bourbon." I tell him, and we both chuckle lightly.

After me and Marcel have just a little too much to drink, he helps me get back to my apartment as we laugh hysterically, and once I put my keys down I trip coming through the doorway.

"Ow! Oh! Oh, oh, oh." I say as I regain my balance.

"You okay?" Marcel asks me, and I nod my head a few times.

"Yeah. Just some bruises. I'm still bruised." I tell him, and he me up and carries me to the living room "Oh! "Bruise" is such a funny word. It sounds like booze. Do we have any more booze?" I ask him as he sets me down on the ground.

"Uh, no. I think we drank it all." He tells me, and I pretend to pout.

"Oh. You're a good friend, Marcel." I give him a small smile.

"You should lie down." He tells me, but I pull him into a hug for comfort.

"I'm tired of being alone." I sigh at him with hardly's any laughter left in me.

"I am, too." He calms down his laughter as we pull away, and I look up at him. I then glance from his eyes, to his lips, and back to his eyes before he kisses me.

We then start to make-out , and we eventually make our way to my bed where more interesting things happen.

Afterwards, I pull on a plain baggy shirt which stops mid-thigh as Marcel gets dressed and gathers his things.

"Not that that wasn't totally worth it, but it can never happen again." I tell him sadly as I begin to brush my knotted hair.

"What if one of us craves another julep?" He asks me, and his arms snake around my waist as he stands behind me.

"If we ever get to see Davina again, who knows what she'll think. She sees you as a father figure, and me as her older sister. What if she isn't happy about this, her happiness comes first." I say as I place my hands over his, but I see his confused face reflecting to something in the mirror "Marcel, what's wrong?" I ask him, and he removes his hands from my waist and turns around.

"That dream-catcher, it wasn't there when we left." He tells me, and I look up at it confused.

"That isn't mine." I tell him as he rips it down, and I suddenly realise "Someone was watching us." I tell him, and he looks at me confused "Witches can use them to watch people, its like face-time for witches." I explain to him, and he breaks it in two "What are we going to do?" I ask him worried.

"I'm going to find out who was watching us before a specific hybrid finds out what we did." He tells me as he heads for the door.

"Marcel." I say, and he turns to look at me "It really was totally worth it." I tell him with a wide smile, and he smiles back.

"Yeah, it was." He smiles before leaving.

I then walk over to my balcony, and lean on the railings. I look over at the Mikaelson compound at see Davina and Josh sitting near some dead flowers. Davina then waves her hand around the flowers and they come back to life, and they both smile. If she's happy, I'm happy.

Aria Claire (The Originals) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now