Farewell To Storyville

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(St. Anne's Catholic Church)

Aria's POV.

The next Morning, I still haven't left Davina's side as Marcel went out to buy somethings for Davina. And right now I am holding Davina in my arms as we sit on the bed, and I'm sitting against the bedframe humming God only knows by John Legend to her as we still haven't talked about what happened when she was gone.

Marcel then enters the room with a and, and I immediately stop humming.

"Hey, D, how you feelin'? Got you some stuff, organic soap, and scented candles, some incense... Just trying to help you get back to feeling, you know, yourself." He tells her, and he looks a me when she doesn't answer so glance at the bed for him to sit, and he does so "Word on the street is the witches are celebrating. Three out of the four girls sacrificed in the Harvest have come back. First, it was your friend, Monique, and then another girl, now you. What I hear, the others are saying that the ancestors were with them while they were, uh, dead. You know, talking to them, teaching them. They say they're stronger than ever. Was it like that for you?" He asks her, and Davina immediate hugs my arms tighter and shakes her head, and I look at Marcel with tears in my eyes. Was what Monique said true?

"There was nothing. It was cold, empty, and dark. And it went on forever." She says in a whisper, but loud enough so we can hear.

"I'm sorry, D." Marcel frowns and takes one of her hands in his.

"I don't want to talk about it. Please, Marcel and Aria, don't make me." She begs us, and I gently kiss the back of her head.

"Don't worry, no one is ever going to hurt you again. Right, Marcel?" I ask him, and he nods his head.

"Yeah, I promise." Marcel comforts her, and I place my spare hand on both Marcel's and Davina's hand.

After another hour of Davina not letting her grip go of me, Marcel comes back with Cami at his side.

"D, Cami wants to talk to you for a little while. Is that Okay?" Marcel asks her, and Davina looks up at me a little scared.

"Don't worry, we will both be right down stairs if you need either of us." I tell Davina, and kiss her on the head before getting up from the bed. I then walk over to Cami and Marcel.

"Just try not to pressure her." I say to Cami, and she gives me a small nod before walking over to Davina.

But as me and Marcel begin to leave, I grab Marcels arm to stop and I place a finger next to my lips then ear. He then he nods his head as we both stand outside the door and listen to Davina and Cami.

"I've studied the effects of trauma and abuse. The witches that forced you into that ritual, they've lied to you. They hurt you." Cami says to her.

"Cami There's nothing you've studied in some book that can help me." Davina confesses to her.

"Okay, forget the books. Let me tell you what I know from experience. When my brother died, I never thought I'd be okay again. I cried for weeks. I blamed myself. I blamed him, and then I realized all that... Sadness was swallowing me up. And I made a choice. I wasn't going to let it. You can make that choice, Davina." Cami tells her.

"You say that like it's so simple, but the witches aren't just gonna let me go. They're not done with me." Davina states, and I feel Marcel take my hand in his, and he tightens his grip. I then look up at him and smile a little before looking down and listening more.

"No one can control you unless you let them." Cami tells her.

"How do I even know who to trust? Should I trust Marcel and Aria? The first thing Marcel did when I came back was try to use me again to help Rebekah. Be honest, Cami. Isn't there something you want, too?" Davina asks her.

"Yeah. My uncle is sick. I thought you could help him." Cami asks her, and I hear Davina sniffle a cry. And I go to see her, but Marcel pulls me back so my back is against his chest stopping me "That's not why I'm here. I care about you. I want to help you." She tells her comfortably.

"What can you do? When I came back, the voices I heard, they said the only ones who could help me are the witches. But, after what I did to them, they hate me. So, how can I go back and ask for their help now?" Davina asks, and I turn around and hug Marcel tightly as tears gradually fall from my eyes.

"We need to give her to the witches, they are the only ones that can help her." I whisper into his chest as he hugs me back.

"I know... I know." He sighs.

As Cami continues to talk to Davina, me and Marcel are sitting down stairs in St Anne's Catholic Church on the phone to Rebekah to see if we can help her and Elijah against Klaus.

"What a fool I am. I actually thought Davina would come to the rescue." Rebekah mutters into the phone.

"I'll get someone else. Whole town is full of witches." Marcel assures her.

"All of whom despise you." Rebekah states.

"What if I come back to the Cemetery, maybe I can try siphon the spell again." I suggest.

"No, Nik seems to hate you too due to you being the one to stab him first with Papa Tunde's blade." Rebekah tells me. Great, now I have the almighty hybrid on my ass.

"I'll figure this out. Meantime, just don't piss Klaus off any more than he already is." Marcel tells her.

"It's a little late for that. I may have provoked him further. But then, I didn't much care for his accusations that you seduced me into bringing Mikael. "Rebekah blames Marcel.

"Wait a minute. I would never do that." Marcel tells her wrong.

"We almost got away. If we just kept going, we could be anywhere in the world by now. Klaus might've found us and killed us, but he'll do that, anyway. Would've been nice to have a little happiness first." Rebekah says softly.

"He's not gonna kill you. You're his sister." Marcel states.

"And you're like a son to him, and, believe me, he means to kill you. You know, I've never much thought about dying. One of the perks of being immortal, I guess. What an odd thing it is, to be here one minute and gone the next. Rather terrifying." Rebekah sighs in defeat.

"Rebekah-" I try to say, but she cuts me off.

"You need to run, Marcel and Aria, and take Davina with you. When the moon reaches its apex, Klaus will be free, and he will do to you two what he's going to do to me, only worse. Go now and don't look back." Rebekah tells us before hanging up.

After the Phone call with Rebekah, me and Marcel are going upstairs to check on Cami and Davina, but when we get there we find Davina asleep and Cami getting ready to leave.

"How is she?" I ask her as I refer to Davina.

"Depressed. She needs real help. Maybe a stay in an institution where she can get round-the-clock care and medication." Cami tells us, and my eyes go wide as I shake my head no.

"No, no, no. She stays in a place like that, she is never getting out." I tell her.

"You have a better idea?" Cami asks us, and I look up at Marcel and nod my head.

"We could take her back to her people." Marcel tells her.

"What?" Cami asks us confused.

"There are bigger things going on here, Cami. It's the only chance that she has." I whisper the last part as I look at Davina clearly exhausted and at a loss for options.

"We have to talk about this." Cami tells us.

"We're not asking for permission." Marcel tells her.

Aria Claire (The Originals) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now