Chapter 7.

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       Aaron had a room set up right next to his - I mean ours - for Emmet. Mountains were painted on the cream walls, and next to his bed was the cutest little teepee. As soon as Emmet saw the room, his eyes lit up.

     Our room was also redone. Although the bed remained black, the walls were now a light mint color, and the black bedding was replaced for a white comforter and yellow pillows. Yellow and mint accent pillows were on the bed, too.

    Aaron had the same shocked look on his face as me when we saw the redone bedroom. "Who the hell did this." He asked, in that low, sexy tone. "Heyyy Aaron! Like the room? I figured since you got yourself a lady you might want to make this place more cheery!" I blushed as Justin walked into the room. "Did you do this?" Aaron stared at Justin. "Heck no. Me? Do work? Hilarious! I asked, well commanded, some of the guys to do it." Aaron continued to stare at Justin. "Oh come man! You needed some color up in here! It was all black and depressing." Justin raised his hands and walked around the room.

"But now... you have life!" I laughed, and looked at Aaron. There was a little humor in his eyes, but he continued staring. "My wut it," Emmet said standing next to me. I smiled down at him, "come on, let's go hand your clothes up." We left the guys and walked back to his room.

After hanging Emmet's clothes up, I put some pictures of mom and dad on the dresser. Mainly ones of all of us after Emmet was born. Emmet was unpacking his toys when Aaron walked in. "Dinner will be ready in an hour." I nodded my head, adjusting the picture frames. Arms wrapped around my waist and lips began leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. "Are you ok?" Aaron whispered into my ear. "Yes, it's just hard knowing Emmet will never know them the way I did." His teeth began to pull the skin on my neck. I moaned quietly as he began to suck on a spot. "Looks live I've found your sweet spot," he said. He kissed me on my neck one more time before leaving the room.

The only thing I could focus on was my heart beating. It was pounding, threatening to leap out of my chest. "Hey Em, do you want to watch Paw Patrol in here while I go take a shower?" He nodded his head, and I put the show on.

I walked into my room and looked in the mirror. "AARON!" He did NOT just leave seven hickeys on my neck. SEVEN!

I heard a soft chuckle from down the hall and stepped into the shower. I'm going to kill that man.

After I took a shower, I blow-dried my hair and put some light make-up on. I put some bright floral printed leggings and a black v-neck top. I tried my best to cover up the hickeys, but those suckers weren't going away. Giving up, I grabbed Emmet and we headed downstairs.

I found Aaron in the living room. He patted the spot next to him on the white couch and I sat down, pulling Emmet on my lap. "I had to let everyone know you were mine." He whispered in my ear. I glared at him. "My hunry." Emmet said as he played with the hem of my shirt. He was obviously shy around people he didn't know. And right now, there were about 8 men and 5 women. All of which Ive met 1. Heck, I was nervous.

I heard a yell coming from the kitchen, "DINNER'S READY!" The men and woman fled to the kitchen, but Aaron stayed put. He looked at me, and then leaned in close. Just when I thought he was going to stop, his lips crashed into mine. Gosh, can you get addicted to a kiss? Because I just did.

"Come on, let's go eat." Aaron said as he got up. He held my hand as I carried Emmet on my hip. There was no way I was going to let let him out of my sight with all these strange people, even if Aaron would hurt every single one of them if something happened to him.

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