Chapter 21

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My body immediately delves into panic mode; I begin hyperventilating as my mind floods with clusters of thoughts.

This cannot be happening! Dread soon takes over my state of panic and my eyes become acutely aware and focus in on the motorcycle, the rider having lost control.

 He's doomed to hit us – this is exactly what happened to Sarah.

Images flash before me of her limp and fragile body all bandaged and broken from her collision. After that incident, all I could do was hold her hand as she kept her eyes shut for eternity.

I spent hours just sitting in complete and absolute silence pinning to hear her laugh, to hear her voice – after only a week, I remember slowly beginning to forget the sound of her voice.

I recall it so vividly. I nearly went into shock when I realised I was forgetting. 

It was a moment so terrifying, I've never had to cling onto my memory as much as I did when Sarah's entire essence was fading into the backdrop of life – and it became a haunting reality when the plug was pulled and the ice shattering sound of a monitor going completely silent as her heart stopped beating. I held my breath in anticipated horror before crumbling onto pristine white floors.

My entire body jerks forward as the tires screech and the car swerves from either direction.

Of course, I'm not the only one in the car – Edward.

And now my body truly begins to register sheer panic. What if only one of us makes it out of this alive? What if I lose Edward too?

Tears instantly surface at the thought and my vision becomes hazy – I don't know if I can bear losing Edward.

Tearing my eyes away from the motorcycle, I glance at Edward momentarily but within that split second, I feel the motorcycle crash into the car on the driver's side and Edward's body wrenches towards me.

My eyes widen at the sight of blood dripping with ease down his head and I cry out for help, feeling the tears about to burst through. My heart crumbling and my soul fading as Edward's hand grips mine before going entirely meek.

"Edward?" My throat burns, and my words are choked up.

"Edward?" I whispered, searching for any signs of consciousness.

"Edward?" I cried, shaking his shoulders and begging him to open his eyes – I can't contain the trembles any longer as my body finally succumbs to my mortal senses. My heart shudders as my eyes follow the flow of blood, the colour mesmerising and terrifying all at once.

"Edward?" I finally whispered again, sobbing with the all too familiar sense of remorse.

Sirens blare and voices ring high all around me, but all I see is the blood.

Edward's blood.

The passenger door gets yanked open and someone's voice bellows within the confines of the car.

In a somewhat groggy state of mind, I will myself to look at the source of the voice and soon come face to face with a person directly saying things to me.

Shaking my head, I place a hand over my chest to control the hiccups and coughs in between sobs before attempting to respond to who I can now identify to be firefighter.

"Miss, you're going to be fine. I need you to calm down and to listen to what I say."

"Please, just help him," I sobbed, my plea gurgled and incoherent.

"An ambulance is waiting but in order for us to get him out, we need you to exit the vehicle first."

Nodding, I take his outstretched hand with my own shaking hands and wobble out of the car before collapsing onto the road.

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