48: Lily of the Valley Fair - Legolas

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Based off the imagine: Imagine Legolas saying you are as lovely as the fairest flower growing in Mirkwood from ladyoflaketownimagines on tumblr and based on the request from Eira_Oropherion

A/N: I kind of combined your request Eira_Oropherion. Hope you don't mind.

Abbreviations: L/N: Last name, E/C: Eye color, H/C: Hair color

Translations: guren vell: my sweetheart, nin bestathog: will you marry me, meleth e-guilen: love of my life.

Warnings: None

Words: ~1600

The austere gales that had once plagued the winter months had finally come to pass, giving way to the warmth and softness of the springtide breezes, upon which were carried the scents of the newly flourishing buds and the aroma of the verdant vitality that had returned to each blade and petiole under the sun's golden rays, a light that presently shone through the thickening canopy of leaves above the heads of my lover, Legolas, and I.

It was on this serene post meridian that Legolas had requested that I, if I would be so kind, would accompany him on a stroll through the burgeoning forests of Greenwood, an offer which I immediately accepted, though whether I accepted due to the longing to be surrounded by beautiful foliage and the one I loved most or the spark of curiosity that had hit me upon his inquiry I did not know. Never had the ellon, in all my years of knowing his pleasant self, been so excited to walk through the forests he had seen many a time. This peculiar behavior lead me to ponder the real motive behind Legolas's actions.

"If you do not mind me asking," I said, breaking the comfortable silence that had befallen the two of us as we followed a small, worn trail through the woods, "but why did you request I walk with you through these woods?"

"What?" Legolas exclaimed in an astonished, almost hurt, tone as he stopped quickly, placing a pale elegant hand over his heart, the playful grin upon his lips revealing his whimsical banter quite quickly, "am I not allowed to take my sweetheart on a blissful stroll through the woods, especially on such an afternoon that possesses as much beauty as she?"

"You flatter me, truly, but no. Not when the woods you take me to are the ones you have seen, and previously stated your boredom towards, many a time," I chided, raising one eyebrow and smiling assuredly at the tall blonde before me.

"You know me too well, Y/N," Legolas laughed, his lovely voice echoing throughout the forest, "and you are right in that talking a walk with you was not my only intent, but you will just have to be patient until we get where we are going."

With that he winked at me and took my delicate hand in his much larger one, his warm lips pressing a lovely kiss to my knuckles before setting off once more, leading me deeper into the forest he called home, the forest that continued on and on, the light fading as they became ever dense.

Eventually, when I could see a small light in the distant and darker forest, Legolas stopped again, and turned toward me with a small grin on his face.

"Close your eyes," he instructed, his smile growing ever so slightly when I glared at him skeptically, "please?"

"Whatever for?" I asked, my suspicion increasing with my acquisitiveness.

"You'll see," Legolas laughed, "if only you would close your eyes."

"Fine," I consented as my eyes fluttered the a close, any light left in the vegetation about me now gone.

I could feel a soft hand settle gently upon my eyes and one press into my back, the soft touch leading me forward in an unknown direction.

It was only for a little while that I walked blindly ahead, trusting my footing and well being to the playful ellon whom I loved more than anything, before I felt the weight of Legolas's hand lift from my eyes, cheekbones and brow.

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