19: To Love and to Hold - Dwalin

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Imagine: Having a nightmare and Dwalin comforting you.

A/N: Sleepy Dwalin is the death of me. The title is SOOO creative. Also, I don't know what color Dwalin's eyes are. In the pictures I saw, his eyes looked blue. So I went with blue. Also, first fan fic that I actually wanted to write that had a dwarf in the paring, EH! Also, I meant to say amralime but I accidently wrote meleth nin when I was doing my rough draft. Please, send help. anD WOW IM ALMOST TO 1K READS! THANK YOU, PEOPLE.

Type: Fluff, one-shot, reader insert

Abbreviations: E/C: Eye color. S/T: Skin tone. H/C: Hair color.

Translations: Armalime: My love

Warning: Food mention, nightmares and fluffy Dwalin (hopefully).

Words: 1024

Dwalin woke with a start as a sharp stroke was taken to his muscular back. The blow didn't cause the brawny dwarf any pain, but it did arouse a sense of perplexity to flood his mind.

If Dwalin remembered, which he did, the young lass Y/N slept soundly behind him on the stony cave floor. Or so he thought.

Another strike to Dwalin's figure was accompanied by craven whimpers and strangled sobs.

Over the short course that the company had been journeying to reclaim Erebor, Dwalin had unearthed feelings within himself that he decided he would never let affect him long ago. He now feared the harboring adoration for the dwarrordam that slept at his back.

Acting purely on these emotions, Dwalin turned to face the lass and through+ the dying embers' light, he saw the hot tears cascade down Y/N's face and her usually controlled hair was now a tangled mesh of H/C tendrils. The small snivels continued to fill the air between the two dwarves as the frail woman before Dwalin tossed and turned, unpleasant thoughts racing flashing before her precious eyes.

"Y/N, lass," Dwalin's gruff voice prodded awkwardly. "Wake up Y/N."

Y/N's small frame kept shaking and the rapids stilled flowed from her firmly shut eyes.

"Lass, please wake up," Dwalin murmured, lightly shoving Y/N's shoulder. "YN."

After a few more attempts of kind words and gentle nudges, Dwalin realized his efforts would continue to be fruitless.

He resorted to the only action that might ease the lady's mind. Unfortunately, it would be the most embarrassing option. The other dwarves would surely tease him well after Erebor was taken back. But in that brief moment, Dwalin didn't care who saw him. He couldn't bare to see sweet Y/N suffer, even if she didn't feel the same about him.

Dwalin reached out and gently tugged Y/N into his firm torso, enveloping her in his bulky, tattooed arms.

Y/N's fist clutched at Dwalin's thin night shirt and her head huddled under his chin and into the dense forest of brown hair that was his beard. Minute whines elicited themselves from the dwarrowdam's throat as if possessing her richly calming tone.

"Shh, Y/N," Dwalin whispered into Y/N's hair. "It's just a dream, lass."

Y/N's pained expression softened ever so slightly at the sound of Dwalin's husky, sleep-laced tongue.

"You're safe. I'll always keep you safe, amralime," Dwalin murmured, pressing warm kisses to her hairline. His thick fingers rubbed soothing patterns along the fragile bones of Y/N's spine, the soft touch of warmth that sleep left behind still radiating through both the being's cotton tunics.

A few positive endearments and back caresses later, Y/N was resting cozily against Dwalin's sturdy chest. He was afraid that the thunderous thumping of his heart would surely wake Y/N, but it seemed to lull her deeper into the lethargic dreamland of her precious head.

Dwalin could have distanced himself from her then and there, which was the most socially sound plan, but the thought of holding Y/N close, her head on his chest, her flawless S/T skin against his own, relieved any distresses that lingered in his thoughts.

"Don't worry, Y/N," Dwalin mumbled uncharacteristically against Y/N's forehead. "As long as I'm around, you can rest soundlessly. You are mine to love and to hold."


Warm sunlight graced my features as I pried my eyes open, letting the world seep into the E/C orbs.

I wasn't expecting to be nestled into the burliest and emotionless dwarf's form, but here I was with Master Dwalin's pattern-covered arms around me, and from what I could tell it was not physically possible to escape. It wasn't as if I wanted to anyway.

A blush flamed against my cheeks as I snuggled closer into the scent of rain, wood smoke, and old leather, which was unmistakably Dwalin.
What I hadn't realized was my actions had awakened the dwarf.

Dwalin's arms shied away from my body, the cold instantly replacing the heat that was previously surrounding me.

"You had a nightmare," Dwalin grumbled, his way of saying as little as possible returning me to reality.

It was in my temporarily hurt and lusting mood that I realized a flushed hue had surfaced on Dwalin's unshorn features, pairing with my own.

I gratefully offered a smile to the dwarf. "Thank you, Dwalin," I murmured as I wrapped my arms around his torso once more.

Dwalin didn't return my gesture at first, but once the realization dawned on him that I had been happy in his arms, he patted my back shyly.

"You're not angry with me, lass?" Dwalin asked warily.

"How could I be angry with my favorite master dwarf?" I giggled, pulling out of the embrace.

"Y-Your favorite?" Dwalin sputtered.

"If you love birds don't get up, we will leave you behind," Kili guffawed, his brother and the rest of the company stifling laughs and shouldering each other knowingly.

Dwalin instantly began rolling up his bedding sadly.

What I needed to do to get that stubborn dwarf to just stay in my arms for longer than a minute, was beyond me.
I shot the prying eyes a glare that could kill.

"Well, go on. About your business, then," I scolded,each dwarf fumbled to reoccupy his previous doings.

I glanced over at Dwalin, pity and desire clouding my mind.

"Yes, Dwalin," I whispered. "You are my favorite." A laid a hand on his bewhiskered cheek and turned his face so his dull slate eyes stared longingly, pleading, into my own E/C ones. I grinned and pressed a benevolent kiss on his forehead, just above his scar that cut through his left eyebrow.

"I think I love you, Y/N, and that scares me quite a bit," Dwalin mumbled.

"Don't be afraid, Dwalin. Love is a blissful thing. It is even more so when the one you lust for loves you just as dearly in return," I replied, sending a flirtatious wink at him, my hands easily stuffing my cot into my nearly empty travel bag.

I could almost feel the hunger wash over me as my confession became clear to him.

"Now let us eat, amralime."

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