35: My Sun, Moon and All my Stars - Elrond

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For Writingbyfirelight on tumblr

20. "You're ticklish and I'm feeling quite mischievous."

A/N: The long elvish sentence is not mine, I got it from Averil-of-fairlea (on tumblr)'s story "A Beautiful Sight."

Translations: Gerin anor nin, ithil nin, elen nin, ne rotha nin: I have my sun, my moon and all my stars in my embrace.

Warnings: None, even though some parts may seem slightly NSFW, but I swear they're NOT!

Words: 900 (kind of short sorry)

The sweet balm of the candles placed about the lofty ceilinged bedding chambers warmed my senses and added a delightful amber luminescence to the already pale and limpid light of the moon and stars.

I had endured a prolonged day of tending to matters my husband, Lord Elrond, could not attend to, as his work included many meetings that required his presence. As I went about my business, memories of warm hands that had clutched mine tightly underneath the confines of the table at supper, the soft pads of his fingers caressing patterns on the back of my hand, or the delayed embraces shared between the two of us before the commencement of our days, left me longing for the gentleness of my beloved's touch.

And then, as if my thoughts had summoned him to me, Elrond stepped through the door, closing the entrance behind him with a soft click. The glow from the candles reflected against his sturdy form, amplifying the beauty of the maroon robes he so elegantly wore, the richly hued fabrics proudly swinging from his broad shoulders.

"Hello, meleth nin," Elrond's melodious voice reached my ears, bringing me fully out of my musings.

"Ah, greetings, my love," I returned, standing from my current position of lying in our shared bed, staring out at Varda's stars.

Ever since I had traveled to the elven city my people called Rivendell, I had been engrossed by the elven culture, language, beliefs and history of the immortal and graceful race. Elrond had told me everything, taught me how to read and speak Sindarin fluently, informed me of the Valar and the first age. He taught me everything, captivating me with all of his knowledgeability and it was not long before I married him, despite my limited life span as a child of Men.

"I am sorry to have joined you at such a late hour, Erestor was keeping me late with mounds of foolish paperwork," Elrond murmured as he sauntered over to me, enveloping me in his loving embrace, hands weaving into my plaited H/C locks.

"You know I care not for your excuses, meleth nin," I teased, murmuring against the sensitive lobe of his pointed ear, sliding a single finger along the length of it, making him shudder under my touch. "I am just glad to see you."

"Meleth," Elrond whispered, his serene front melting away to reveal a mirthful tone. "You know what that does to me, especially since, I have been away from you for the length of this dreadful day."

Yes, I knew exactly what small torture I was providing for my husband, for the ears of an elf were deeply perceptive and Elrond's were especially so, seeing as he had both the acuteness of the elves and the nerves of men.

"Yes, my love, I do know what I am doing, but you are ticklish and I am feeling quite mischievous," I whispered as I pressed a kiss to Elrond's softly curved jawline. The soft fingers I had dreamt about only mere minutes previous, came up to my cheek and softly fondled the soft skin there, his thumb running steadily over my plump bottom lip.

"Well then perhaps I will have to be equally so," he growled mirthfully.

Before I could figure out what he meant, I was carried to our bed, the mattress sinking beneath our weights, and Elrond's nimble fingers teased my sides delicately, his raven locks tickling the exposed skin of my neck.

"Elrond!" I laughed, unable to control myself, as love and amusement filled my heart.

"Yes, my love?" Elrond asked, momentarily pausing his whimsical actions to press a revered kiss to my forehead.

"I love you, you know that?" I murmured, fingers tracing the brown embroidery of Elrond's robes.

"Yes, I do know that, my dear, and I am glad to reciprocate those feelings," Elrond replied, a genuine smile upon his lips as he stroked my face lightly.

Then the thought that had poisoned my mind since Elrond's proposal resurfaced itself from the mental grave I tried to contain it in.

"Elrond," I asked, my voice suddenly filled with melancholy as my eyes tried to look anywhere but the irises of my husband. "Why do you continue to do this to yourself? Surely you know that I won't be around forever. You have the gift of foresight and if you truly love me, then you must know what sorrow awaits you after my departure."

"Y/N," Elrond sighed as he grasped my chin gently and pulled my gaze back to his. "Yes, I know what sorrow awaits me, but I also know that when it comes time when you cannot be here any longer, I will cherish the memories of you with all my heart and being. Yes, I love you dearly, and I will miss you just as so, but I have you know don't I?"

Elrond's arms slithered around my waist, holding me close to his warm frame as he wove his fingers through my hair. "Gerin anor nín, ithil nín, elen nín, ne rôtha nin."

"Yes, a'maelamin," I said all my worries decimated for the time being, absolute love filling my heart and mind. "Yes, you do, and you always will, till the end of my time and beyond."

"I love you, Y/N," Elrond murmured as he placed a kiss just above my brow. "For now, and forevermore, my sun, moon and all my stars."

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