29: The Chaos Around Us - Eomer

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24. "Quickly. Hide"

27. "Darling, that is my (insert body part here)."

A/N: I'm sorry. I'm sick. I hope this was okay. For coldfacedwarf on tumblr.

Warnings: Orcs, attack on village but nothing too serious

Words: 800

Wails of the dead echoed through the air, debris crunching under the heavy iron boots of the enemy. Orcs at every turn roaring, saliva dripping animalistically from their fangs, weapons glinting the dying amber light.

It was terrifying, in all honesty, my heart skipping a beat at every roar, wail or sickening scene. My breath was ragged, erratic and alight with the tension that held a steel-like grip around my throat and caging my gasping lungs. The only thing that kept my weary feet pounding against the ground in a staggering rhythm, was the only thing that kept my me fleeing, was the vice-like grip that ensnared my hands. It was Eomer's hand, Eomer, the one of whom held my heart and the one who tugged me stumbling form along to the stables, on the outskirts of Rohan.

"Eomer," I huffed. "I don't think I can go much further." I could feel my feet growing tired and numb as the steady stream of adrenaline in my veins was subsiding and the sedating lull of exhaustion began to settle in.

"Please, love, we are almost to the stables," Eomer pleaded. "We are almost there. Please don't give up."

His words were my only motivation besides the imaginings in my mind that screamed out for the gentle cradle of Eomer's arms as he held me close, whispering sweet nothings in my ear while stroking my H/C locks of what was sure to resemble a tangled bush by now. But that was only a figment of my overly-romantic giddiness that always seemed to befall me whenever I was in Eomer's presence. Granted, it was more of a small whispering of encouragement rather than a longing at this point.

The stables were in sight and the wild neighing of the horses had been fairly audible ever since leaving our cozy, lamplit house, that always smelled like stew, leather accompanied by the faintest tinge of hay. Quite a comforting smell if you ask me.

With a resounding bang of wood on wood that had to attract the attention of some orc, Eomer threw open the door, hustling me inside before scraping away hay in an unoccupied stall.

"Quickly. Hide. Stay here till I return. Don't make a sound," Eomer grunted as he forced me down as kindly as he could manage among the turmoil and chaos. Eomer turned to make his leave, golden locks swinging with the slight force the movement created.

But before he could leave me, flaxen hair and all, I grabbed his leather covered wrist firmly, a small whimper I did not know I was capable of producing uttered itself from my chest, stopping him in his tracks.

"Please, don't go," I muttered. "I wouldn't be able to stand it if anything happened to you."

"But, Y/N," Eomer protested, voice growing slightly weak and cracked. No, just cracked, my Eomer was many things, but weak was not one of them. "I have to protect you, I have to be strong for you, my heart."

"Eomer," I pleaded. "The dark lord grows ever strong, his armies and minions following in his footsteps. I'm not saying you can't protect me, I am just saying I want you here, with me, to protect me from myself, my own thoughts. Please, love, for me?"

A soft sigh was uttered and a small smile graced his full lips as he spoke words that made my heart swell considerably.

"I would do anything for you," Eomer stated with more passion than that of even the elves. "Even if that means going against my instinct to protect you with everything I have."

I smiled and tears pooled in my eyes, the salty drops only becoming meer smears upon the callused thumbs of Eomer, who was currently kneeling in front of me, preparing to move more of the crackling, dry herbage to make room for himself.

"Thank you, Eomer," I mumbled as I snuggled into his taut form, reaching up to press a kiss to his stubbled jawline.

"Darling, that is my thigh," Eomer murmured playfully as my hand landed lightly on his said body part.

"And that is my bum you are groping, my love," I returned just as mischievously, a flaming blush raging over my cheeks as I said so, my mind completely oblivious to the carnage outside our hay filled haven.

"Come here, you," Eomer laughed as he brought me into his arms, cradling, caressing and murmuring in just the way I had envisioned.

Soon, my eyelids grew heavy with oncoming slumber and my mind slipped into a euphoric void of warmth and love.

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