20: Of Thorns and Roses - Elrond

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Request: Hi! Can I request an imagine where Elrond is too shy to confess his love to Elf!reader?

A/N: This elf does not get enough love. This started well, I can only hope it ends well.

Abbreviations: S/T: Skin tone, E/C: Eye color, H/C: Hair color.

Translations: Meleth e-guilen, Le melithon anuir: Love of my life, I will love your forever

Warnings: None I don't think.

Words: 1408

The sun had long since set and phosphorescent moonlight streamed into Imladris's halls, mingling with the warm glow of the lanterns strewn about the architectural beauty that was my home. The sight had a calming element to it, but yet it wasn't enough to ease the maelstrom of melancholy and shame that worked hand in hand to continue their torturous hold on my mind.

And as I trudged along as if in a desolate trance to my chamber, I wondered why I, Lord Elrond Halfelven couldn't confess my fervorous attachment to a simple elleth. But oh, how simply complex she was.

Y/N was my advisor and my most trusted and closest friend aside from the frantic Lindir. She was highly intelligent as well as strikingly beautiful. Much like a glistening Raven, ingenious but mostly solitary. She set herself apart in looks, voice, and nature. Each and every morn, from her shoulders, proudly hung robes of lavishly hued silk. Each outfit had a different hue from the one wore the previous day and the small pendants that laid against her chest always matched her paraphernalia of the day.

But no matter the vast oceans of silk that must reside within the confines of her wardrobe, the same stars always glinted divinely in her E/C orbs. Her hair seemed to be spun of the finest metals when the lustrous rays of afternoon sun emulated off the soft tendrils perfectly. And it was in the speeches that pour in rich waterfalls from her lips that I have drowned in willingly.

And it wasn't curious to see her waving kindly to the frolicking children in the hallways or traipsing through the quaint gardens, the flowers paling in comparison to her ethereal beauty.

Every aspect of the elleth had captivated me, but yet the deafening moans of doubt that had found shelter in my mind only had to whisper and I would reluctantly turn away from confessing my biggering heap of affections.

Even now as I prepare for sleep this voice is at war with my heart.

I should have told her.

But I could just as easily spoil my relationship with her.

Then again, we have shared many more laughs and sorrows with each other than any other relationship in Imladris, surely.

And what will I be rendered to when she no longer wants my company.

All these thoughts rained hellfire at each other, burning my mind and heart in the process.

Then suddenly a new voice engulfed the other two as it spoke, If the lady Y/N does not return my adorations, then so be it. I will leave her alone. But should the alternate happen, then maybe I will become whole again.

Not even the smallest doubt was uttered and I was finally able to rest, a new sense of courage flooding my fantasies. As soon as the sun rose, I would confess my adoration for the exquisite beauty that was the darling Y/N.


I gazed at my reflection grimly as I adjusted the golden brooch that laid upon my throat for what had to be the millionth time. I had combed through my dark hair over and over before braiding it and I had examined every material in my wardrobe until I settled for a royal blue kaftan accompanied by a cornflower blue robe and fine leather boots that climbed the length of my shins and stopped just below my knee.

I knew that if I prodded anymore, I would back out and only the Valar would envisage the moment I would profess my love, if ever.

I turned away from the mirror and sighed as I strode over to my bedside table, my fingers grasping the necklace I had been meaning to bestow upon Y/N for quite some time. A gem, beholding the indigo shade of the great sea of Belegaer, hung from narrow silver wire that would fully correspond with Y/N's outfits of gray, navy and opalescent.

I gave the smooth lavalliere one last glance before laying it in the confinement of my pocket.

My thoughts soared in many directions but my feet walked an unmistakable path, one that would lead to Y/N's chambers.

Upon arrival, I rapped on the door lightly and awaited the presence of my dearest. And when the door opened, it was all I could do to detain myself from gasping, which would surely reflect informally on me.

Y/N, as usual, was dressed splendidly in draperies of olive and willow and silver rings and white crystals. The fronts of her H/C hair twisted back into lengthy, labyrinthine braids that met at the base of her neck while the rest of the tendrils tumbled freely down her back.

"Oh, good morning, Elrond," Her melodious voice rang.

"Good morning, Y/N," I returned a hint of anxiousness in my tone, "I wanted to speak with you and maybe take a walk in the gardens before we have to attend to our duties."

"I would like that very much," Y/N grinned as she stepped over the threshold, shutting the door with a click behind her.

I offered my arm, a courteous gesture, and she took it eagerly.

"As I recall, you have something to tell me," she said as our slow gait led us deep into the gardens.

"Yes, well," I began,  my feet coming to an abrupt halt as I turned to face her, to look into the star systems that resided in her E/C eyes. To see the early morning sunlight cast shadows over her blemishless S/T features. The shadows changed as her look contorted into one of worry and genuine concern as I took her petite hands into my own. "Y/N, I have been thinking on a subject quite often as of late and I fear that I cannot contain the onslaught of emotions that it has caused. And this... subject...  has an equal chance of miserably collapsing around me as it does succeeding."

"Y/N, the rapturous wonder that is you has consumed my every fiber and I don't know how else to put it, but I have fallen elatedly, inexplicably and inescapably in love with the grace that is you. I understand fully if you don't return my feelings and you don't have to b-"

My endless rambling was interrupted by the ardent touch of Y/N's full lips against my own. The feeling that flitted down my spine and pulsed in my fingertips was enough to bring tears of pure delight to my eyes. Her petite hands had unconsciously floated to rest gently on my face and mine to the small of her back.

"Elrond, I have grown to love you as you have me," Y/N confessed, her voice soft. "And I'm very glad you told me because now I can smother you in my love like I have dreamt so many restless even falls."

She leaned up and pecked my cheek lightly as a ravishing blush flared over her cheeks.

It was then I remembered the necklace that still resided in my pocket.

"Y/N, there is something I wish for you to have," I murmured as I drew out the necklace and placed it gingerly in her hand.

The gleaming in Y/N's eyes as she gazed in amazement at the gift made my heart swell.

"It is beautiful, Elrond," she mumbled almost inaudibly.

I plucked it from her hands once more as she moved her hair to allow me access to her neck. My nimble fingers tightened the silver clasp and a grin tugged at the corners of my lips as they caressed the tender skin that covered the semi-prominent bones.

Y/N's eyes flickered with tenderness as she gazed upon the gem and then the same gaze flicked up to mine as my heart decimated to dust.

"W-would you allow me to court you, my darling?" I murmured, my fingers entangling with hers, like delicate roses among deadly thorns.

"Yes, yes, a thousand times over, yes, meleth nin," Y/N cried, mirthful tears eliciting themselves from her eyes as she engulfed me in a hug.

And in that moment, I couldn't help but bury my face in the lavender scent of Y/N's neck and hold her trembling form within the periphery of my stable arms.

"Meleth e-guilne, le melithon anuir."

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