21: Dream of Seas and Storms - Thranduil/Young!Legolas

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Request for thranduil79: I don't have anything really specific, but can you do a super fluffy one that includes little Legolas, Thranduil and his wife?

A/N: I actually have not written Legolas, so hope this turns out okay. And sorry this one isn't as long as my others, I was trying to weasel myself out of a hole of uninspired drafts and crap.

Translations: Ion nin: my son, A'maelamin: My beloved

Warnings: None

Words: 721

A single beam of amber light drew me from my sleep along with a perturbed voice that stuttered an anxious, "Nana?"

The voice I recognized as my dear son, Legolas's and as I gazed out the lofty windows in my husband and I's shared chambers I realized that it was still the dead of night, for Varda's stars still shone lustrously.

"Ion nin? Whatever is the matter, little leaf?" I asked, my voice low in an attempt not to wake my dormant, beloved Thranduil.

"I had a dream a-and-" Legolas's glacial irises, ones that were identical to his father's, began to brim with tears.

"Shh," I murmured. "Come here."

Legolas inched towards the linen covered mattress until he was within reach, and from there I drew him into my arms and held him tight against my chest, thin fingers stroking the platinum tendrils of shoulder length hair that hung in loose waves from Legolas's head. The snowy hairline of Thranduil's ancestors still swept strongly through Legolas's blood.

"I have you, my son," I whispered comfortingly. "No harm shall befall you while you are in my arms."

"Nana?" Legolas murmured, as he wiped his eyes and held his stuffed moose close. "Can you sing to me?"

A small gasp elicited itself from my mouth for my voice had not harmonized the old elvish lullabies for centuries. But my beloved son was in dire need of the comfort only a loving mother provide.

"For you, little leaf, I would do anything," I murmured, placing a kiss to the hairline that looked so much like my own.

My heart shall see light
Our hearts shall be forever
Go forth and rest in dreamland
I'll soon be there

My voice washed over Legolas's delicate ears as waves crashed against the crystal sands of Valinor, with elegance and gentle power. I could feel the developing muscles in Legolas's back release their accumulated tension beneath my affectionate touch and soft verses. The strong grip Legolas had on my night clothes loosened considerably as the song Thranduil and I used to serenade each other with before my son had been brought into the world, filled his young mind.

Wait for me, my love
You know I'm here
To join you in your dreams
You have nothing to fear

Soft snores had begun to fill the air when a new, deeper voice, joined my own. The thundering storm to my churning seas.

Fiery sun be gone
Moonlight, protect us,
Heaven's star shine through
Flame of hell vanish

The two eminently varied speeches wove together in cordial unity, as moon and star endeavored hand in hand to form the tranquil night.

Lonely voice, cold and bare
Wandering alone
Asleep, yet awake
Safe in dreams
Shelter from the storm,

By now the harmony that the hymn had composed lulled the frightened elfling into a nonbelligerent slumber.

"Your voice is more beautiful than stars, still, despite the vacancy of use over the past decade, meleth nin." the abyssal entity praised. "Still surpassing the beauty of Varda's stars."

"The same could be said of you, A'maelamin," I returned a growing grin tugging at my features. "The storm to my seas, as always and forevermore."

The revered feeling of strong arms around my waist flitted up my spine as Thranduil pulled me close against his lustrous torso, a cherished kiss pressed to my temple.

"And the rose to my thorns, always and forevermore," the words rumbled in Thranduil's lungs and I felt the resounding vibrations against my back. "I take it our son's dreamland was intruded on by undesirable ideas."

"Your assumption is correct," I replied the soft smile still on my lips as I caressed Thranduil's sculpted jawline. "But he is safe now, and no harm shall come to him."

"As no harm shall bestow itself upon us, but instead grovel as a craven at our feet," Thranduil promised.

"Of course," I replied, my head resting against Thranduil's broad shoulder.

"You are fatigued, my darling," Thranduil observed. "Come, let us sleep in this moon doused, starlit land we have fantasized and let us not wake till dawn has long passed."

"With you, I can rest peacefully."

Thranduil then encircled both myself and the slumbering elfling in my hold in an reassuring embrace, as we slipped into our envisioned utopia, a blanket of stars above our heads.

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