24: Bashful Kisses - Lindir

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Imagine: Getting to mess with Lindir's hair but then it suddenly turns into a make out session.

A/N: This fic was purely written on the dire need of a bit of Lindir in all of our lives. Also I have about one more week (I will return August 10th,  I believe) of vacation, so updates should be more frequent when I get back. That is until school starts a week later. *eye roll visible from space*.

Translations: A'maelamin: my beloved,

Abbreviations: H/C: Hair color

Warnings: Slightly NSFW towards the end.

Words: 950, give or take a little

The night was frigid and the sky was dusted with clouds the color of slate that allowed only small patches of the milky luminescence of the stars to shine through. It had been a lengthy-seeming day of tending to taxing errands assigned to me by Lord Elrond, but that was to be expected, seeing as I was his advisor. But even after the prolonged days' activities, I yearned to hold and be held, to smother in adoration and in turned be revered passionately by Lindir, my beloved. I dreamt of a crackling fire and cuddling ever near as the flames licked at the logs and filled my chambers with the smoky scent of calm amenity long into the early hours of the morrow.

All these thoughts circled around my head
as my legs carried me to the guard of oak that shielded the many nights spent in innocent, and occasionally fiendish, actions. It opened with a familiar creak that I had mentally marked as home.

Stepping over the threshold, I shut the oaken slab, removing my soft soled shoes in the process and neatly aligned them with Lindir's. "Lindir," I called. "Are you home, my beloved?"

"Yes, darling, I am," the melodious and sought after voice rang from behind the closed door, the one that led to the steaming bathing chambers. I made my way to the four poster bed, it's hickory hued linens draped across its surface, where my short lived interim of desolation was soon ended by the sight of my husband, cheeks aflush, with only a towel to cover himself.

"Evening, love," I endeared as he dressed, earning myself a playful glare and smirk from the ever bashful ellon.

Once Lindir was properly clothed in a silk night shirt that was tucked lazily into a pair of sleeping trousers, both stained in shades of sage and tawny, he made his way over to my side and kissed my forehead sweetly, delicate fingers caressing my jawline.

"Greetings, my darling sweet," he murmured, his alluring blush still ablaze upon his cheeks while the tips of his ears began to take on an identical tint.

As the mattress sank beneath Lindir's added weight, our forms met in an ardent embrace, Lindir's fingers stroking my hair with an ever growing tenderness. Mine, in turn, kissed the soft, pale, and soapy smelling skin that laid pure beneath the thin fabric of Lindir's shirt.

"I love you, a'maelamin." I murmured charmingly, my lips placing a quick kiss upon his rose stained features. But Lindir's blush must have been infectious, for when I pulled out of the embrace, my cheeks were conflagrant with an corresponding rosiness.

"Your blushing, Y/N," Lindir murmured as his glassy orbs stared avidly into my own, his fingers rising to travel my jawline once more.

"I could say the same for you, Lindir," I retorted, an abashed smile tugging at the corners of my mouth, fingers faintly meeting Lindir's as I leaned into his loving caress.

"Would you be so kind as to braid my hair, love?" Lindir asked quietly. The drying tendrils of his hair still gleamed, heavy with water, calling, begging to be untangled and taken under control.

"For you, Lindir," I murmured fancifully. "I would do anything."

Lindir's eyes filled with a prideful lust, one that made my heart swell as he kissed my forehead once more.

"As would I, my dearest," he replied, wingspan spread, gesturing for me to fall into his adoring cuddle, an offer that I greeted fervidly. I felt his face bury itself  abysmally into my tumbling H/C locks, his sweet scent of blooming linden under the gentlest of rains engulfing my senses teasingly.

"Now," I stated with a new finality. "Let us braid your hair, for I wish to continue our harmonious intimacy thereafter."

"I can agree to that, my darling wife," Lindir mused as impishly as he could manage while sauntering over to the mirrored vanity, nimble fingers retrieving the brush and towel before returning faithfully to my side.

We situated ourselves into a position that would allow my deft fingers to dry and plait the luscious strands with ease. And following my internal evaluation of my endeavors, my lips placed an adoring kiss to Lindir's cheek.

"All finished, d-" My words were cut short by the firm, aroused pull of Lindir's tender kiss against my own, an attempt that propitiously impeded my flow of altercation.

Lindir's kiss was passionate, his tongue dutifully tasting every corner of my mouth with lust and when he we broke apart, my swollen lips were left parted, a revered ache tingling where my now exposed lips had been pressed to his. And before Lindir could thank me, I imitated his clever ply, the tips of my breasts swelling ever so slightly at our aphrodisiac intimacy.

Before long, our passionate tousle had lead our hands into the others hair, brown locks flying freely from the braid I had so perfectly placed in Lindir's hair, whereas my tangled mesh was beyond salvation. The growing bulge in Lindir's trousers was pressing firmly against the inside of my thigh, much to his embarrassment and much to my arousal, breasts swelling further and the warmth in my womanhood enlarging its territory thrice since its beginning.

I pulled out of our engagement to stare into Lindir's longing gaze as I mischievously pressed on. "Shall we take this a step further, my love?"

"I thought you would never ask, a'maelamin."

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