3: Bloody and Bruised-Elrond

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Bloody and Bruised

A/N: Am I the only one in the world who likes to write Elrond fics? Oh well, mentions of blood. Crying. The usual injury, I'm not good enough, yes you are, i love you sort of fic. It's long btw. Enjoy.
You straightened your posture, straining your muscles to a screaming pain. But you were put in charge of the patrol that had been sent to protect Arwen. Orders from Lord Elrond. Therefore, you had to get back to Rivendell to report that Arwen had returned safely. You had known Elrond ever since he had come to rule in Rivendell. You were close friends, but you had always had feelings towards the elf lord. But you were just a mere warrior, you were not meant to have affairs with the lord of Rivendell. You lived to serve, not to be loved. You had hammered that into your head thousands of years before.
On your way back to Rivendell, the patrol was attacked by a pack of orcs. You had told the patrol to go ahead to Rivendell, you would deal with the orcs. There were only three of them, wandering the wilderness outside of Rivendell. Once they saw you, though, they attacked. You had ended their short reign, but not without getting a few scrapes and bruises. Well, most of them were scrapes and bruises. You had gotten a nasty cut to your side. You could feel the red sticky blood making a puddle under your armor. You raced on your horse back to the gates of Rivendell.
It didn't take long, but as soon as you reached the gates you almost passed out at the sight of Elrond waiting impatiently, a worried expression etched in the age old lines of his face.
You immediately dismounted your horse, and bowed your head respectfully.
"My lord, we were attacked by a couple of orcs just outside of the borders. They have been taken care of, my lord. And lady Arwen was brought safely back to Rivendell," you informed, raising to your full height, making you wince at the pain of the cut. You tried your hardest to suppress it, but that didn't go unnoticed by Lord Elrond.
Little did you know that ever since you had gotten to know him all those years ago, he had thought your skill and beauty was astounding. Little did you know that Elrond worried about you constantly when you were on a mission. Little did you know that he didn't rest until you were brought home safely. Little did you know, the Lord Elrond had feelings for you too.
"My Lady. Are you well?" Elrond asked concerned.
"Yes, I'm fine, my lord," you were just able to get those words out before your eyes rolled back, and you passed out. Your limbs went limp, and you began to fall unconsciously.
Elrond rushed forward and caught your falling body, in his arms.
Elrond placed you lightly on the ground and screamed, demanded, for a healer.
Four healers rushed out and carried your limp body into the kingdom, quickly rushing you to the healing ward.
Elrond tried to reach out to you, but he couldn't be seen like this. He regained his composure, but his eyes betrayed the hurt and worry plaguing his mind. What if you passed on. He wouldn't be able to live.
Yes, he had loved Celebrian, but she had left him. Everyone he had ever loved left him. He couldn't lose you as well.
Elrond stormed up to his study, commanding that the healers inform him when you awakened. How could he let this happen to you, the deep cut, in your side. It was his fault. He knew the mission was dangerous, so why did he send you? Elrond sat down in front of his desk, burying his face in his hands. A single tear left his eyes at the thoughts that beat at his mind.
It had almost been a week since the incident, and you still hadn't woken. The healers said they had put you in a temporary coma and it wouldn't last much longer.
That didn't stop Elrond from seeing you at anytime possible. After meetings, in the late hours of night, first thing in the morning. Hoping, just hoping for your sparkling E/C eyes to reopen to the world. He sat by your side at night, watching your sleeping face sit stone cold. The only way he knew you weren't dead was the slow rising and falling of your chest.
This night, he was near tears. What if you didn't wake? What if you left him? Then what? He would continue on in this lonely life.
He took your hand as the tears streamed down his paling face. Elrond buried his face in his fore arms, crying until he couldn't cry anymore.
"Oh, Y/N. My Y/N, my sweet sweet Y/N. Don't leave me, please don't leave me." His sobs echoed through the empty ward. Healers stood in the doorway, concern written on their faces as their king cried over a soldier girl. They exchanged helpless glances amongst each other.
Your arm hung loosely from his grip. Limp and useless.
You surfaced in consciousness, hearing sobs and gasps echoing around you. You opened your eyes slightly. There sat Lord Elrond, Lord of Rivendell, holding your hands, crying into his forearms. It was a sight that crushed your heart to the tiniest of pieces.
"Elrond?" You murmured, squeezing his hands to tell him that you were here.
His face shot up in complete shock. His eyes were red and puffy and tear marks ran down his face.
"Y/N?" He asked confusedly.
"Why are you crying, my lord?" You asked. "If you don't mind me asking."
Elrond dropped your hands and stood. His hands then went to your face and his lips placed a quick, passionate kiss on your forehead.
"Oh, Y/N. Oh, you're alive! Please, please don't ever leave me again," Elrond started crying again.
A confused look must be plastered to your face for Elrond regained his composure and then turned to face you, his hands entangling themselves in his lap.
"Y/N, why did you say you were fine. You had a deep cut in your side. You could have died. Do you know how much pain that would put me in. To know that the only one I have ever loved, my life-long friend, died? Oh, Y/N, I would never forgive myself." Elrond sniffed.
"You-you love me?" You asked.
"How could I not?" Elrond asked, his brow creasing. "I've loved you ever since you joined the guard and before that even!"
"Oh," you felt your face heating up. "I'm sorry for scaring you, my lord."
"Don't call me that!" Elrond's voice cracked with pain and sorrow. "Call me Elrond, like you used to. Mellon, please."
"Elrond, why would you fall for someone as basic as me. I'm hardly as beautiful as half the maidens here. Why me, mellon?" You asked.
"I don't like the other maidens, I only want you. The other maidens are selfish, they wouldn't love me like you would. They would use me to become a royal." Elrond's voice sounded weak, vulnerable.
In all honesty, you had missed seeing him everyday. Laughing with him. Being his best friend.
"Please mellon, tell me. Do you return my feelings or do you wish to be rid of me?"
You took Elrond's hand fiercely and possibly a little too quick, for a sharp pain cut into your side.
You tried to ignore it, but you couldn't help placing a hand on your side. Seeing this, Elrond's eyes filled with tears once more, threatening to fall onto Elrond's handsome face.
You removed your hand and took Elrond's hands in yours once more.
"Elrond, I have always loved you. I just- I didn't think-why would." You paused trying to think of the right words. "Elrond, i've always dreamed of one day being your love. I just didn't think that you could ever possibly love me."
Now tears were starting to blur your own vision, making Elrond's face swim.
Elrond cupped your face so gently, you almost blushed. His thumbs stroked away the tears. You couldn't help but bringing your hands up to wipe his tears away.
"Y/N, my Y/N. Please. Stay with me. Rule by my side. Be my queen. Please, meleth nin."
"Are... You asking me to court you?" You asked taken aback.
"It would seem so." Elrond smiled sadly at you, but hope still shone brightly in his gray eyes.
"Elrond, my lord." You began, tears filling your eyes once more. "Will I be good enough for you?"
"You are so much more than enough, my stars."
You blushed furiously, and slowly nodded your head.
"You will?!" Elrond exclaimed happily.
"Yes," you smiled shyly.
"May I?" Elrond asked, holding his arms out happily.
You carefully sat up and laced your arms around Elrond's neck. His hands cradled the back of your head as his lips caressed yours calmingly, but happily.
"I truly love you, bruises and all." Elrond smirked still in your arms, your forehead leaning against his.
You smiled and kissed Elrond's mouth passionately. He returned the kiss with as much love as was given to him.
He would love you for as long as he lived. He finally had the love he had always wanted and never deserved, for your beauty and smarts became well known throughout Rivendell. Lady Y/N, Queen and warrior of Rivendell.

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